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Demoncrat 18th September 2017 09:57 PM

Four hours


Demdike@Cult Labs 18th September 2017 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Demoncrat (Post 551168)
Four hours


He only does 70 mins then an audience participation version of Right, Said Fred as an encore.

gag 19th September 2017 04:08 AM

NO REGENDERATIONLeaked Doctor Who episode details reveal Peter Capaldi will refuse to regenerate into Jodie Whittaker in his final appearance on the show

Susan Foreman 19th September 2017 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by gag (Post 551196)

NO REGENDERATIONLeaked Doctor Who episode details reveal Peter Capaldi will refuse to regenerate into Jodie Whittaker in his final appearance on the show

It's the papers causing mischief again

It's not Capaldi (the actor) refusing to regenerate - it's The Doctor (the character) not wanting to change

Didn't we see this before, when both Tennant and Smith left the show - the Character fighting against regeneration and stating 'I don't want to go'

Demdike@Cult Labs 19th September 2017 09:44 AM

Pic of the Day # 248
1 Attachment(s)
The Robots of Death (1977)

Demdike@Cult Labs 19th September 2017 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 551208)
The Robots of Death (1977)[/CENTER]

More total terror from my childhood!

Susan Foreman 19th September 2017 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 551209)
More total terror from my childhood!

"Please do not throw hands at me"!!!!

Susan Foreman 20th September 2017 08:05 AM

1st & 2nd edition Target Books (1973/1975). Presumably, by the time of the re-prints, people didn't have to be told that they were 'based on the popular BBC television series'!

Demdike@Cult Labs 20th September 2017 11:19 AM

Pic of the Day # 249
1 Attachment(s)
The Web of Fear (1968)

JAMIOUSE 20th September 2017 06:02 PM

Last night I finished off Season 24 of my McCoyathon....

Delta and the Bannermen
It's an interesting concept that partly works and in others doesn't. Ken Dodd isn't in the story that much and thankfully is despatched on screen. Not that he's terrible the character is meant to be loud and obnoxious so it kind of works. One big problem with the whole story is the amount of characters that appear in it, the two American agents that don't really do anything other than goof around is the best example. There's also far too much running around, and the idea of repopulating a whole race from three people one of which is human is a bit silly and if you think of it icky too. The Bannermen themselves look like they've escaped from a corporate paintballing trip and the whole thing is ruined by the terrible faux 1950's incidental score.
It's not great but it's not terrible, just a bit meh. I did like the purple blobby aliens and their transformation effect is pretty good and whoever had the idea of putting green face paint on a baby and dressing it in a green romper suit should get a medal!

I've always loved this story, mostly because it introduces Ace who is in my opinion one of the best companions the show has ever had. She's full of life and interest and has opinions. The story is intriguing and mysterious, the dragon is well realised and the cast as a whole are on good form. That episode one cliff-hanger is still ludicrous it's depiction but I can let that go. The only thing that lets the production down is the design and lighting. A lot of scenes are overly lit and the design of Iceworld as a shopping centre is like a cheaper version of Farm Foods. I can forgive the sets constructed of plastic sheets, but Iceworld seems to consist of nothing but chest freezers.
There's a lot to love about Dragonfire, the beginning of one of Who's best pairings, a script that offers mystery, a decent solid villain and Mel's departure. It's shame Mel's character is never fully realised or explained. The pairing of Ace and Mel together in another story could have been interesting.

Next up Remembrance of the Daleks, the true star of Season 25!

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