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Demoncrat 3rd January 2018 03:01 PM

Rewatched The Invasion Of Time & The Sontaran Experiment.

Susan Foreman 4th January 2018 08:07 AM

January 4th: Today in WHO-story

1912 - Jack Le White (extra in The Reign of Terror and The Daleks' Master Plan)
1930 - Iain Cuthbertson (Garron in The Ribos Operation)
1938 - Jim Norton (Major Kennet in the webcast Scream of the Shalka)
1947 - Terry Molloy (Davros [1984-1988 and Big Finish Productions' audio adventures]; Russell in Attack of the Cybermen; Big Finish actor - Magus Riga in Kingdom of Silver, Examiner 2 in Keepsake, Doctor Christopher Wallace & Rat King in Rat Trap, Quadrigger Stoyn in The Beginning, The Dying Light and Luna Romana, Rone in Time Reaver, Lord Ampthill in the Jago & Litefoot story The Hourglass Killers and Mr Robins, Driver & Captain Quinn in The Worlds of Big Finish)
1985 - Lenora Crichlow (Cheen in Gridlock and Rachel Cooper in the Big Finish audio The Architects of History)

2012 - Harry Fowler (Harry in Remembrance of the Daleks) aged 85

1964 - The Daleks, Episode Three ('The Escape'): 8.9 Million Viewers
1968 - The Krotons, Episode Two: 8.4 Million Viewers
1975 - Robot, Part Two: 10.7 Million Viewers
1982 - Castrovalva, Part One: 9.1 Million Viewers
1989 - The Greatest Show in the Galaxy, Part Four: 6.6 Million Viewers

1982 - Launch of the nineteen series of the 'classic era' of Doctor Who; Peter Davison's full debut as the Fifth Doctor

1989 - Conclusion to the twenty-fifth series of the 'classic era' of Doctor Who

1999 - The Face-Eater and Salvation (BBC Books)
2013 - Issue 301 of Doctor Who Adventures (Immediate Media Co.)
2017 - The Lost Angel (BBC Audio)

Behind the Scenes
1965 - Recording began on The Web Planet

2007 - Doctor Who Up Close closed at Spaceport in Seacombe
2009 - Recording of the Big Finish audio Cobwebs took place

Demdike@Cult Labs 4th January 2018 08:08 AM

Pic of the Day # 353
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The Werewolf from 2006's Tooth and Claw.

Demdike@Cult Labs 4th January 2018 11:43 AM

I started watching the new Shada disc last night. It's not episodic just a single 136 min film.

What's that all about? Ended up turning it off after four chapters as it was too late for something two hours plus.

It does look rather splendid though.

Demdike@Cult Labs 4th January 2018 02:52 PM

Has anyone seen the Doctor Terrible's House of Horrible episode titled Frenzy of Tongs?

Supposedly a spoof of Fu Manchu and Hammer films like Terror of the Tongs, i thought it more influenced by the Doctor Who story Talons of Weng-Chiang than anything else with scenes practically lifted from it.

From street signs such as Talon Street and Mark Gatiss evil criminal Hang Man Chang to wandering in the sewers discovering giant mutations and even the Janis thorn attack in the streets.

I don't remember seeing that episode when it first aired so i'm probably slow out of the blocks with the Who references.

Susan Foreman 5th January 2018 05:37 AM

January 5th: Today in WHO-story

1925 - Wolfe Morris (Padmasambava & the Great Intelligence in The Abominable Snowmen)
1928 - Denise Bryer (Dominique Van Gysegham in the Big Finish Productions audio The Reaping)
1929 - Norman Kay (music composer for An Unearthly Child, The Keys of Marinus and The Sensorites)
1935 - David Ryall (Sir Nikolas Valentine in the Big Finish audio Phantasmagoria)

2017 - Peter Thomas (Captain Edal in The Savages) aged 80

1974 - The Time Warrior, Part Four: 10.6 million viewers
1980 - The Horns of Nimon, Part Three: 9.8 million viewers
1982 - Castrovalva, Part Two: 8.6 million viewers
1983 - Arc of Infinity, Part Two: 7.3 million viewers
1984 - Warriors of the Deep, Part One: 7.6 million viewers
1985 - Attack of the Cybermen, Part One: 8.9 million viewers

1984 - Launch of the twenty-first series of the 'classic era' of Doctor Who
1985 - Launch of the twenty-second series of the 'classic era' of Doctor Who

1998 - Kursaal and The Face of the Enemy (BBC Books); Timelash (VHS)
2003 - Sometime Never... (BBC Books)
2009 - The Trial of a Time Lord (DVD - region 4)
2010 - The Keys of Marinus and The Twin Dilemma (DVD - region 1)
2012 - The Art of Death (AudioGO); issue 250 of Doctor Who Adventures (Immediate Media Co.)

2015 - Flywheel Revolution (Big Finish)
2017 - The Pirate Planet (BBC Books and BBC Audio)

2010 - Recording of the Big Finish audio The Whispering Forest took place
2015 - Recording of the Big Finish audio We Are the Daleks took place

Demdike@Cult Labs 5th January 2018 09:38 AM

Pic of the Day # 354
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The Siren from the 2011 episode The Curse of the Black Spot.

Susan Foreman 5th January 2018 05:01 PM

Shooting a scene from 'The One With The Maggots'

Susan Foreman 6th January 2018 04:58 AM

January 6th: Today in WHO-story

1919 - Raymond Westwell (Prison Governor in The Mind of Evil)
1934 - Sylvia Sims (Mrs. Pritchard in Ghost Light)
1955 - Rowan Atkinson (alternative Ninth Doctor in the Comic Relief special The Curse of Fatal Death); Arthur Bostrom (Earl Godfrey in the BBV audio The Green Man and Arken in the Big Finish audio Scaredy Cat)
1976 - Guy Adams (Big Finish Productions' actor and writer)
1986 - Elizabeth Tan (Anna Zhong in Journey's End)

2009 - John Scott Martin (Dalek [1965-1988]; Zarbi in The Web Planet, Mechanoid in The Chase, IMC Robot in Colony in Space, Mutt in The Mutants and The Brain of Morbius, Ted Hughes in The Green Death, the Nucleus in The Invisible Enemy and an extra in The Dæmons and The Three Doctors) died aged 82
2015 - Tony Starr (Dalek [1973-1988]; extra in The Underwater Menace, The Macra Terror and The War Games) aged 82

1968 - The Enemy of the World, Episode Three: 7.1 million viewers
1973 - The Three Doctors, Episode Two: 10.8 million viewers
1979 - The Power of Kroll, Part Three: 8.9 million viewers
1984 - Warriors of the Deep, Part Two: 7.5 million viewers

1973 - First glimpse of Time Lord villain Omega

1997 - The Leisure Hive (VHS)
2005 - Issue 352 of Doctor Who Magazine (Panini UK)
2009 - The War Machines and Four to Doomsday (DVD - region 1)
2011 - Issue 199 of Doctor Who Adventures (BBC Magazines)

1964 - Moris Farhi submitted a proposed story called The Fragile Yellow Arc of Fragrance. It was ultimately never used and later adapted by Big Finish over 40 years later
2010 - The BBC responded to the so-called ginger controversy from The End of Time, stating that the Doctor wanted to be ginger, as were some past and future companions; recording of the Big Finish audio The Cradle of the Snake

2012 - Recording of the Big Finish audio Voyage to Venus took place
2014 - Recording of Big Finish's audio adaptation of the Doctor Who novel The Highest Science took
2015 - Recording of the Big Finish audio We Are the Daleks took place

Demdike@Cult Labs 6th January 2018 10:28 AM

Pic of the Day # 355
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The Krynoid from the 1976 story The Seeds of Doom.

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