Admittedly, there’s a lot to be troubled by in A Serbian Film, a movie which offers the viewer an unprecidented level of violence. The internet is alive with horrified comment about moral decline and the impact of media violence on the audience. The question of how you make a film that addresses these worries and many other issues of corruption, abuse and violence without also reflecting them on the screen is a query for another post but ask yourself this. If A Serbian Film is indeed a cynical piece of exploitation designed only to push boundaries and appeal to peoples worst instincts, why would it contain a scene as sensitive as the one were sharing here.

In this clip, you see a father explaining the first awakenings of sexuality to his son in a way that doesn’t confuse or upset the boy. It’s a gentle, nurturing scene that shows the close bond between a father and his child, a bond that is central to the whole film. Most cheap, exploitative torture porn flicks don’t break down any barriers other than those of good taste but A Serbian Film, despite beingĀ  a very extreme film categorized with genre movies it shares little in common with aside from onscreen violence, can’t be so easily tied down to simple gross out genre rules.


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