The Lost Bladesman (cert. 12) will be released on DVD (£15.99) and Blu-ray (£15.99) by Icon Home Entertainment on 8th August 2011.

Visit the official LOST BLADESMAN HUBSITE now for the latest updates on Donnie Yen’s new legendary epic martial arts movie, including a great review from fight film specialist entertainment site IMPACT ONLINE

“Unless you’re a Highlander movie, it’s quite an impressive and significant option to start with an apparently severed head in a box and then lead up to those events in flashback. Yet this is how The Lost Bladesman begins. With Donnie Yen as both star and action director, it’s clear that we’re in for something interesting.”





Holy smokes, is it boiling today!  Why is the weather so scorching? Well, some people suggest what we are experiencing is a little used English term known as ‘Summer’. Others speculate, more cynically, that we are actually hurtling towards the sun and our inevitable and untimely  deaths. But the real reason of course is that Iluvdvds has just entered the building! That’s right baby, it’s time for another sizzling newsletter. So wipe away the gallons of sweat, remove your head from the freezer as we kick off this week’s newsletter with a look at the latest and greatest releases. Oh yeah!


Squinting cowboys, cigar-chomping cops, stubble-faced private detectives and unbeatable karate experts. Add to that list of bad-asses a homeless drunken bum and you could find yourself convicted of insanity. Unless you’ve had the honour of seeing one of the most entertaining films of this year (not an overstatement!), Hobo With A Shotgun (Momentum Pictures, DVD & Blu-ray). Rutger Hauer plays the down and out-of-luck vagabond whose hell bent on delivering justice one shell at a time. Packed to the brim with action and bubbling over with a fiendish amount of bloodshed and projectile bleeding, this throwback film is crazy from start to finish! If you wasn’t impressed with Tarantino’s Death Proof half of Grindhouse, then look no further for the perfect supplement. Hobo is up there with Planet Terror. Be sure to visit the main hubsite here and join the conversation over on the forum here. The DVD and Blu-Ray is out now! Make sure you spend your busking money on this film as well as booze or you’ll end up on the wrong side of Hauer. And if you like your head attached to your neck, then he is one Hobo you don’t want to mess with! It may be the last tipsy choice you make.

But that’s not all Cult Labbers! This week also sees the release of the much loved and highly praised TV show, The Twilight Zone (Shock Entertainment & FremantleMedia Enterprises, DVD & Blu-ray). The entire third series could be yours! If you’re not familiar with The Twilight Zone then, quite frankly, you’re missing out big time. Up there with Star Trek and Doctor Who as one of the greatest televisual science fiction series, this is a must have for any sci-fi buff, cult fans or those hungry for a munch of atmospheric uber-nostalgia. Like Hobo, Cult Labs have not only a forum dedicated entirely to Twilight Zone chit-chat but a very impressive blog bulging with goodies including reviews, interviews, features and a whole host of other tasty treats. Check them out… your life may depend on it.


I found him!

Whenever you loose something, one of two things happen. The object in question has either been ‘stolen’ by someone you hate, only for it to turn up in the place you last left it or it has miracuosly teleported itself to behind the sofa (a seetee for you posh types). So grab a pen and note this down: ‘I must visit the Hubsite and official thread for the action packed Asian film The Lost Bladesman (Icon, DVD & Blu-ray, 8th August) for my own safety. I must also buy Kyle several boxes of chocolate chip cookies and some baker’s cream cakes….’

Zombie Voodoo shop. A seamless transition there if ever there was one. Fans of horror listen up! The official countdown until Hatchet 2 (Arrow Films, DVD & Blu-ray, 29 August) is underway. With only a few more weeks until this gem hits shop shelves, you may axe yourself (axe…ask. Get it? Like a Hatchet…Axe. Because a Hatch…Ah forget it!) how could this film possibly be better than the original? Well with a fantastic horror-eccentric cast/crew including Danielle Harris, Tony Todd, Kane Hodder, Tom Holland, Emma Bell and Adam Green mixed with oodles and oodles of gore and death what more could you possibly want? How about a blog and some threads? Bingo!


La la la la la la la la.


Cult Labs. A place where those with an unquenchable lust for all things cult dwell. A place where time stands still for those with a morbid fascination with movies to crawl from their blackened caves and feast upon the flesh of cult cinema. A place where non-film adoring lycanthrope rarely dare tread. A place where…yadda yadda ya, you get the point. A lot has been happening recently and here’s just a few of the best.

  • Arrowdrome! Let’s go crazy! Woot woot! For those not in the know (shame on you) Arrow Films have announced a new label of films consisting of cracking and somewhat obscure titles at budget prices! Each DVD comes with a reversible sleaze, booklet and other extras depending on the title. I seriously can’t wait and may have possibly urinated a little with excitement at this news.
  • UFO’s: Are You A Believer? Do you believe in aliens? Ever seen a spaceship? Have you seen an abductor sober? Or do you think all this alien jibberjabber is strictly hocus pocus mumbo jumbo? Have your say over in this thread!


  • Super Comp – The Legend of the Psychotic Forest Ranger t-shirt, film and poster! We’ve teamed up with the deranged brains behind this film, Brad Mills to offer you the chance to design a t-shirt for the film and win some goodies in the process! Just click here!
  • Weekly CompThe Lost Bladesman. There’s three ways to win this one. And one of them lays hidden within this very newsletter. Read carefully and you could win this film!


And now to hand it over to Mr. Grindhouse himself; the goreloving, blood-sucking, kung-fu-fighting  BioZombie!

Instead of giving you my favourite choices from The Grindhouse Project, I thought I would pimp the:  Organising a Screening/Film Society section in this week’s news letter. If you have ever thought about running your own screening or society then you can find some interesting info there.

The section is still in its infancy, but it’s growing all of the time. For example, I just posted the second instalment of Biozombies Guide To Setting Up A Cult Film Society.  I would also like members who have experience of holding screenings to contribute too. So if anyone has any thoughts they think would be helpful to wannabe flea-pit organisers, the please head over and share it!

Remember Cult Film demands to be seen on a big screen with an appreciative audience.  So give in to that demand, or else!

So that’s it for another week! Be sure to get in touch – if there’s anything you’d like mentioned, any projects, work, etc that you’re currently doing, just drop me a message! Similarly if you have anything you’d like to write for the newsletter just let me know!  There are so many ways you can get involved with all the cult film fun at Cult Labs:

Well ciao for now. Drive safely and be sure to eat your greens.


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