This Week @ Cult Labs: 26 August 2010

The weather sucks. It’s raining, then sunny, raining, then sunny, then windy, then raining and sunny. It. Sucks. But you know what? It doesn’t matter. I don’t care. Why? Because I’ve got new shoes. And, at the weekend, I’m taking myself down to a certain low-cost fashion retailer and I’m kitting myself out with some new clothes. So take that weather. You can’t bring me down. Hah!

So what’s brought on this sudden bout of accessorisation? Well, its all because Jaguar Lives is being released by Arrow Video on 6 September. Besides Christopher Lee, Donald Pleasence and Joe Lewis, the action-packed spy thriller also stars the incredibly glamorous former Bond girl, Barbara Bach and, quite simply, I want to look as hot as she does when I’m watching it. Call me petty or shallow if you like, I don’t care. I have new shoes.

Now on with the newsletter, where you can find all the usual goodies plus a few nice accessories!

Sarah@Cult Labs.


An absolutely fantastic piece of French horror cinema is heading our way courtesy of Momentum Pictures. The Horde, a must-see for zombie fans, is getting awesome reviews and comes personally recommended by our very own Sam@Cult Labs! Winner of the International Fantasy Film Awards for Best Screenplay and Best Cinematography at the 2010 Fantasporto International Film Festival, this impressive debut feature from writing-directing team Yannick Dahan and Benjamin Rocher features some of the most awesome, edge-of-your-seat, close-combat human versus zombie beat-downs ever committed to film. You can check out some of this action right here in the official UK trailer and talk about it hereThe Horde will have a limited theatrical release on 17 September, followed by a DVD release on 20 September.


Just a quick note to let you know that Shameless Screen Entertainment has had write up in the cinema magazine, Rapporto Confidenziale. Rapporto Confidenziale is a free, independent digital magazine and the article can be found here. The article is in Italian but for those of you who know the lingo, it’s an interesting read!


Forum regular truckturner is holding a petition to get the stage musical of The Evil Dead to London’s West End. Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead is, as we all know, a popular film amongst cult and horror fans. It’s unique history as a video nasty also gives it a special place in the hearts of British fans. The stage show has, so far, only been shown in Toronto and Korea and I agree with truckturner that Britain as a huge fan base for this kind of material and so should have to opporunity to be shown here. “You can imagine when i found out about a musical production, as many fans did i was instantly thrilled,” says truckturner, ”The show is a total immersive theatre experience. Not only does it boast a unique effect which spray’s blood at it’s audience, but they get to relive moments from all three movies with a modern twist. Music + Zombies = HIT!”

He goes on to add, “Horror theatre is sadly looked over in the West End. The Woman In Black is coming to end soon, whilst the only other option, Ghost Stories only lasts until November this year. The Evil Dead Musical is the Avenue Q for horror. It would bring the much loved films and their stories to a new audience. Mixing laugh out loud moments and gross out violence, the piece would offer a different experience to anything else available in the West End. I hope you could help me in making this dream into a reality.” If you also feel that The Evil Dead would do well on London’s West End, sign the petition as soon as you can.


While you get signing, let me rustle up some of my favourite threads of this week.

Arrow Video – Vamp

A while back, we were teased with the prospect of Arrow releasing a slice of forgotten 80s horror. Well Vamp is that slice and its provoking quite a lot of talk on the forums. Gigantor has been particularly enthusiastic, saying, “Vamp is a very fun horror film and, dare I say, underrated. This one movie that people definitely need to revisit. I don’t know what happened but for some reason this film sort of fell between the cracks of sorts…” Meanwhile, springjack lists it as his second favourite vampire film of the 80s. What do you think? Let us know!

The Shameless Collection

While we await news of what Shameless will be releasing next, why not check out this thread to see if your own Shameless collection is up to date? If it is, why not post a picture of it or help others work out what they’re missing? People who come round to my flat always comment on how cool the Shameless DVDs look all lined up on my shelf so come here to achieve the same effect!


With the news that Arrow will be doing a whole new transfer of Demons for DVD release, the film has been given its own subforum so that you can discuss all things Demons. Unfortunately the materials will not be suitable for a Blu-ray transfer, but I’m sure we would all prefer a superior DVD release to a substandard BD release. Head over here to share your thoughts!

VHS Discussion

As some of you know, I also do some teaching. A few weeks ago I was trying to show a clip from Titanic which was on VHS. I was having some difficulty finding the right place when one of my students piped up, “Why don’t you just use scene selection?” When I pointed out that I couldn’t because it was a VHS tape the student looked blankly at me and said, “Oh? I’ve never used one before.” It was then that I realised that I’m ancient. But for those of you who, like me, look back fondly on the humble VHS, you should check out this thread.


“Ah. I guess I wont rush off to get it then. Sometimes there’s good reason’s for a film’s obscurity!” – iluvdvds learns one of the harsh truths of being a cult film fan.


Speaking of iluvdvds, Kyle has got a whole new competition for you this week. This time he’s giving away copies of the awesome and disturbing horror flick, 7 Days. To find out how to enter, head on over to the Comp Corner… Good luck!


This week I’m saying a big hi there and hello to Curious Goods, dmitriy obukhovskiy, Argentofan and Pinhead0303. Here’s hoping you all settle in nicely!


Before I go, here’s a little reminder that if you haven’t already signed up to receive this newsletter in your inbox each week, you can do so using this link. All this means is that every Thursday you get a little bit of me in your inbox. Not literally though. That’d be a bit gross.

Remember, if you have any comments, feedback or anything you’d like to see featured in the newsletter, PM me at Sarah@Cult Labs or drop me a line on the newsletter thread!

Until next week,

Sarah@Cult Labs.


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