Cannibal Recipes: Move Over Delia!

Reverse artwork for the upcoming release.

Here’s a little fun blog to celebrate the upcoming release of Cannibal Holocaust on DVD and Blu-Ray from Shameless Screen Entertainment (out on the 26th of this month! For more details click HERE). Today I’m feeling especially starved, my stomach’s rumbling and there’s nothing in the fridge. Luckily I have a friend coming over and, if the 1980′s Daily Mail is anything to go by, I fancy myself some human nibbles after being corrupted by such an evil film as Cannibal Holocaust!  So below I’ve complied a few of the best gruesome, gory and just plain messed up reciepes that center around the idea of cannibalism. Of course, I’ve not actually tried any of these since I often struggle to make a Pot Noodle, let alone a proper meal! What with Halloween quickly speeding towards us, these would all be ideal to try out! Of course, there’s links to the actual website the recipe came from and I urge you to check those all out – credit’s where credits due and all that. In between the reciepes I’ve also included some very odd and rather disturbing cannibalistic goings-on to really get those taste buds foaming.


Human Brain

Here’s a reciepe that looks very confincing that I found at

See, fish really is brain food!

What you’ll need:

  • 3 lbs. shrimp, peeled, cooked, deveined
  • 2 small roasted red peppers, julienned
  • 1 green onion, sliced into 2″ pieces, then julienned
  • Gelatin Mixture:
    • 2 1/2 C. chicken broth
    • 1 1/2 tbsp. (1 1/2 envelopes) unflavored gelatin
    • 1 tsp. lemon zest
    • 1/4 C. fresh lemon juice
    • 1/2 C. tomato paste
    • 3 cloves minced garlic
    • 1 tbsp. honey
    • 1-2 tsp. Cajun seasoning
    • Pinch salt

    What to do:

  1. Into a purchased jello brain mold (there’s the catch!) layer your shrimp in, tails facing the middle of the brain. It’s best if you layer them into the brain mold with the tails facing the middle, according to each “hemisphere” of the brain. This will give you the most realistic look. Tuck the shrimps in close together.
  2. Drop bits of roasted pepper and green onion in around the shrimp. These should look like veins and nerves when you’re finished.
  3. Repeat, alternating between shrimp and vegetables, until you fill your Jello brain mold.
  4. Now make the gelatin. In a small saucepan, bring the chicken broth to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in the unflavored gelatin.
  5. Stir in the lemon zest, juice, tomato paste, garlic, honey, cajun seasoning, and a pinch of salt (the amount will depend on how much salt is in your Cajun seasoning– mine’s salty so I don’t use much).
  6. Pour this mixture over the shrimp in your brain mold, filling to the top. Discard any extra. With a rubber spatula, smooth the top of your shrimp and gelatin to create a smooth surface.
  7. Refrigerate until firm, at least several hours.
  8. To unmold, set your Jello brain mold in a bowl of hot water for a few seconds. Place a serving tray underneath, then flip your mold over. The brain should pop right out. This is one of the easiest gross Halloween foods to make in advance!

To find out how to cook your own ‘human’ earlobes and testees (yes, testees!) just head to the link above.

Ever wondered what human flesh actually tastes like?

William Seabrook in Haiti saying "Click me!"

If you have then the answer is here (also, if you have then you’re a pretty sick individual!).  Ever heard of a certain William Seabrook? I’m sure some zombie fans would have, for he was an enthusiastic explorer from the early 1900s who was one of the first people to write about zombies of Haiti and captured the imagination of the West with these stories of the dead coming back to ‘life’ to work in sugar fields. Ol’ Seabrook wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty and when he learnt of the cannibalistic rituals of African tribes he knew he couldn’t write his book, Jungle Ways without first nibbling on some human. The story goes that William paid a visit to a hospital in Paris and borrowed  a pound of succulent human flesh from a workman who had died in a traffic accident. Rushing to his friend’s apartment, they both roasted, boiled and stewed pieces of the meat telling his friend that it was just ‘a kind of wild goat that no one had eaten before’! But what did it taste like? According to Seabrook, it tasted similar to pork but needed more seasoning. I guess not everything tastes of chicken.

Eyeball Pasta!

Mamma Mia I'ma gonna vomita!

What You’ll Need:

  • 20 Mini Mozzarella Balls
  • 10 Stuffed Olives, halved
  • 350g Spaghetti
  • 1 tub of Fresh Pesto
  • 4 squirts of Tomato Ketchup

What to do:

  1. Cook the spaghetti according to the pack instructions.
  2. Meanwhile cut a small hole into each mozzarella ball and push in half an olive.
  3. Drain the spaghetti and then stir through the pesto.
  4. Divide between 4 bowls and top with splodges of tomato ketchup & mozzarella eye balls. Serve.

“Who ordered the poo-poo platter?”

Made that eyeball pasta yet? Well, prepare to vomit it all back up again. Here’s something to really turn your stomach – nobody said cannibalism was pretty! Admitedly, it’s not technically cannibalism, but it’s close enough. A Japanese scientist who goes by the name Mitsuyuki Ikeda has managed to create a synthetic meat from human poop! Mitsuyuki, this crazy genius, has spent years researching ‘sewage mud’ as he calls it and has discovered that he can create meat synthetically from the protein in human feces. With a few drops of food colouring, the meat can be molded into Turd Burgers. Perhaps feeding the poor their own excrement is the way to solve world hunger? Hmm…food for thought! Unless of course it’s a hoax.

Finger Food!

Perfect for desert! Nom nom nom!

You can’t have a Halloween party without some human finger nibbles. So here’s a recipe from that’s perfect for any young cannibal savage.

What you need:

  • 225g (8 oz) butter, softened
  • 125g (4 1/2 oz) icing sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 350g (12 oz) plain flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 100g (4 oz) whole almonds
  • 1 tube red decorating icing

What to do:

  1. Combine the butter, sugar, egg, almond extract and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl. Beat together with an electric mixer; gradually add the flour, baking powder and salt, continually beating; chill for 20 to 30 minutes.
  2. Preheat oven to 160 C / Gas mark 3. Lightly grease baking trays.
  3. Remove dough from fridge in small amounts. Scoop 1 heaping teaspoon at a time onto a piece of greaseproof paper. Use the paper to roll the dough into a thin finger-shaped biscuit. Press one almond into one end of each biscuit to give the appearance of a long fingernail. Squeeze biscuit near the tip and again near the centre of each to give the impression of knuckles. You can also cut into the dough with a sharp knife at the same points to help give a more finger-like appearance. Arrange the shaped biscuits on the baking trays.
  4. Bake in the preheated oven until the biscuits are slightly golden in colour, 20 to 25 minutes.
  5. Remove the almond from the end of each biscuit; squeeze a small amount of red icing into the cavity; replace the almond to cause the icing to ooze out around the tip of the biscuit.

Zombie Flesh Jerky

Get your revenge!

Here’s a grey area when discussing cannibalism. Are zombies cannibals? Well they are human. And they do eat humans. But then again they don’t eat each other and remember ‘that zombie is not your mother!’ So the debate is still open. Here’s a very odd snack from Japan (again!) in which you can get your own back and eat zombie flesh! Horror enthusiasts will eat this up! The pack contains several square meat pieces of a pale blue colour. If you happen to be in Japan this weekend (!) why not buy a pack for just under 400 yen (about £4). Whilst it may not be actual human flesh, the desire to eat human flesh is still there – in novelty form. A little like those cigarette sweets everyone ‘smoked’ as a kid.

So that’s a few cannibalism themed treats you may be inclined to try. There’s a whole load of similar recipes online that may take your fancy if you feel like surfing.

Have the ultimate Cannibal Holocaust experience!

Why not invite a few friends over (unsuspecting, of course) and present them with a platter of human pieces. As you all tuck in, switch on Cannibal Holocaust in High Definition for the ultimate cannibal night! Ha! Or for something a little more crazy, how about playing a Cannibal Holocaust drinking game! Everytime someone/something gets eaten or naked chuck one of these down. You’ll be on the floor within 15 minutes! (Please drink responsibly!)

But whatever you do, don’t forget to pre-order Cannibal Holocaust (complete with Ruggero’s brand new edit specifically for this release and a heap load of extras!) now here, here or here! It’s out on monday!

Or come up with a menu that would make any cannibal salivate, enter HERE and you could win Cannibal Holocaust on either DVD or Blu-Ray!


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