Zhang Yimou’s remake of the Coen Brothers Neo-Noir classic Blood Simple may seem like a wacky idea. The difference between the brooding and dark early work of Hollywood’s approved ‘outsiders’ and Yimou’s fantastical martial arts epics is clearly marked but is it really that crazy an idea?

At their core, are stories not universal? Are there not SEVEN BASIC PLOTS?

Western cinema regularly exploits Asian film to create Hollywood remakes, stripping out cultural references to create universal, commercially viable product.

Star Wars is seen by some as a famous example of Asian cinema repurposed as Blockbuster. The Hidden Fortress, directed by legendary Japanese filmmaker AKIRA KUROSAWA would seem to provide many of the themes that made George Lucas’ space opera the classic that it is. This is by no means a critique, as stories of good and evil are universal, but it does strengthen the point that remaking noir as historical epic is no more unusual than relocating a tale of heroism in feudal Japan to a galaxy far, far away.


Hidden Fortress has a young hero, an evil empire, a princess to save, two everymen who represent the audience (R2D2 and C3PO in Star Wars), an epic journey and a Fortress that became a Death Star in 1977. A quest and a story of heroism triumphing over unbending evil is universal. It’s a story that works as a martial arts tale, a western plot or a Sci-Fi spectacular.

The Coen’s tale of cheating, lies and deceit, once stripped of it’s noir stylings is a human story that makes sense in any culture. This is what remaking movies is all about. Taking great stories and making them relevant, either to a different culture or a different time. Zhang Yimou’s Blood Simple is a curiousity simply because it seems so wildly removed from the context of the original, but once the movie rolls, the universal themes take over.

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A remake of Joel and Ethan Coen’s 1984 debut feature, “Blood Simple”, award winning director Zhang Yimou (House Of Flying Daggers; Hero; Raise The Red Lantern)’s Blood Simple (aka “A Simple Noodle Story” and “A Woman, A Gun And A Noodle Shop”) transposes the story from small town Texas during the 1980s to the Gansu province of feudal era China and transforms the Coens’ cult neo-noir crime movie into a period-set piece that begins as a slapstick farce before evolving into a riveting crime thriller.

The owner of a noodle shop in a small desert town, Wang is a miserable, ill-tempered, money-grabbing boss not averse to short-changing his workers whenever the opportunity arises. His dark moods and abusiveness have driven his wife into an illicit affair with Li, one of his employees, and provoked her into buying a gun believing that only Wang’s death can bring her the happiness she desires.

Aware of his wife’s infidelity and her plans to kill him off, Wang bribes a local patrol officer, Zhang, into murdering the two lovers while providing him with an alibi. But what looks like a perfect plan to Wang soon spirals out of control thanks to an unexpected double-cross that has all the players silently plotting against each other in twist-filled scenario driven by avarice, revenge and murder.

An inventive, original and totally off-the-wall remake of cult classic that somehow manages to remain true to the roots of the original, Blood Simple stars Sun Hunglei (Blood Brothers; Mongol; Seven Swords), Yan Ni (Kung Fu Dunk) and Ni Dahong (Curse Of The Golden Flower).

Blood Simple will be released on DVD (£12.99) by Momentum Pictures on 18th April 2011.


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