A Serbian Film hit the cinema this last weekend and the press, both niche and mainstream have been expressing their opinions about this important movie.

No one was expecting an easy ride from the mainstream press but then, more people will always want to watch spectacular escapism like the upcoming Tron movie and while there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, A Serbian Film is always going to trouble people. That, after a fashion, is what it’s job is. To unsettle and provoke thought. Those who missed out on that or claimed it’s a front to load the film with more nastiness under the banner of metaphor, can’t hurt a movie that is already a playground whisper, just like the classics of the video nasty era.

The coverage of the film that vilifies it as a monstrosity merely add to it’s reputation. Unlike a pale Rom-Com, where a negative review marks the death knell, A Serbian FIlm’s less praiseworthy press simply makes the film even more of a must see.

”It is hell. It is not an entertainment” – IRISH TIMES

“Pornography was the only possible metaphor for “the almost indescribable and exploitative chaos” that had dominated his life.” – THE GUARDIAN

”Ordeal cinema presents its latest test, and it might be the toughest yet.” – THE INDEPENDENT

“…My personal squeamishness does not mean this is not an original and well-made film.” – CAMDEN NEW JOURNAL

“Though the story is structured with Jacobean cunning, the horrors are merciless.” – FINANCIAL TIMES

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A SERBIAN FILM has resulted in a lot of soul searching from online reviewers. While most people commenting on the more dangerous edges of cinema are quick to defend the rights of artists to express themselves within in a culture of free speech, some are still finding it hard to support the explicit content in the movie which is understandable. It’s obvious to most viewers that the film has a serious point but that doesn’t make it any easier to watch.

This moral trouble is what makes us human. Intelligent, thoughtful people can watch repellent images and difficult art and still draw positive conclusions from it and not everyone wants to be protected from the horrors of the world.

It’s a pity that the protagonist of A SERBIAN FILM didn’t apply the same thought process when he signs a contract to appear in a secret, underground porn project. He may not know what the terms and conditions are and he is certainly in the dark about his specific role in the production but hey, check out those numbers. He’d be a fool to turn down the chance to secure his families future for the sake of a little mystery… Right?

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