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SShaw 14th July 2014 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by wongfeihung62 (Post 410374)
My signed copy of the video nasties 2 , 3 disc set arrived today. Number 156.

Mine arrived today. My last purchase until August. I will be going cold turkey whilst in Montreal for Fantasia.

Argentofan 14th July 2014 11:32 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Went a bit nuts after holiday cause I had money left.

Pretty much all from CeX or HMV and a couple from car boot sales

J Harker 14th July 2014 11:34 PM

Wife picked me this up today

Jinx_Barkman 15th July 2014 01:57 AM

Temptation was just too much and I pre-ordered this. It helped that I was able to get it for a good price.

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 15th July 2014 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by wongfeihung62 (Post 410374)
My signed copy of the video nasties 2 , 3 disc set arrived today. Number 156.

Mine is number 121.

anythinggoes78 15th July 2014 07:23 AM

I have to confess i had never gotten around to getting the first one, had left many hints etc but nothing ever came of it, so i got them both myself

anythinggoes78 15th July 2014 01:29 PM

Sorry for the Double post just noticed this film had been released so got me a copy

demonknight 15th July 2014 03:24 PM

Mother's Day Blu from Anchorbay in the US and The War of the Worlds remake on Blu from Paramount arrived this morning.

jhippyfro 15th July 2014 04:31 PM

Under The Skin 10/10
I watched this film 5 times in the theater and promised myself I'd buy it the day it was released on DVD.
Promise kept.

ArgentoFan1987 15th July 2014 05:08 PM

What Have You Bought Recently?
Just bought! Both Dual Editions.

***not seen***

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