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Posted 26th March 2016 at 11:31 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I know I haven't written a blog in quite some time and I know people won't believe me but I need to get this off my chest.

In 2002 I met a lovely woman named Jodie Betteridge and we spoke about music, films love lives etc. Jodie was a goth and got me into the band Cradle Of Filth and through her I had heard of the bands Korn, Darkthrone etc.

She was really easy going and nice to talk too. She met my baby Lexi when she was 1st born.... anyway the reason I am telling...
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Posted 12th January 2015 at 08:52 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

As you all know, I am about to be a daddy and today me and mam were talking about my dad and this is where I am conflicted.

My dad lives in Wales and he left me when I was 2. From then on he saw me every month and I even went to Manchester with him (where he is originally from) and my mam used to arrange the meets etc.

But overall he didn't seem to care about me and he adopted 2 children who he seemed to care more about.

Well the meetings stopped in...
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Posted 11th December 2014 at 04:10 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I know sport talk is forbidden but don't worry it's got nothing to do with sport score or teams - it's just me mentioning UFC and WWE.

As you all know I watch WWE and UFC, but what really pisses me off is people claim MMA is fake and actually say it to my face.

I have found out they have an MMA club just down the road to me and I said to Claire "I am joining one" and she said no I don't want you too" and my sarcastic comment was "it's fake remember"...
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Breaking Bad

Posted 3rd December 2014 at 10:21 PM by Bringer Of Funerals
Updated 3rd December 2014 at 10:32 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I have just started Breaking Bad to see what all the hype is about and this opinion is going to get me hate.

To be honest I can't see the hype, I am on Season 2 and everytime I go to watch an episode I get the well I cannot be arsed feeling and I find myself just going through the motions, then by the end I think thank God that is over.

A TV show should not feel like that, it should draw you in with a vice grip. It might get better but at the minute i can't see that...
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School Of The Dead

Posted 28th May 2014 at 10:03 AM by Bringer Of Funerals
Updated 28th May 2014 at 03:32 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Just had the strangest dream. I was at a school and I walked into a classroom where I could feel a presence but couldn't see it and a girl (of age) went to put her hands down my pants until a teacher walked in and interrupted by saying "happy 40 years together and I hope there will be much more"

The next thing I know I am dead and I start to float through doors and I can now see the spirits of other dead people wondering the corridors and it's evening outside. I go back...
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Console Women

Posted 5th April 2014 at 02:05 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

This is going to be a short blog on what I have noticed over the yrs and it all goes down to one thing.

Every house of a woman's / ladies I've been too I've noticed they don't have game consoles in their bedrooms or under the TV.

I know us lads like the Playstations, X Boxes and Nintendo Wii consoles or whatever else you have but women don't seem to own anything like that.

If you haven't noticed and you pull a lass that you don't know on a night out and
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Posted 29th March 2014 at 01:50 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

As you all know I hate arguing and I try to stay away from it but every now and then it's unavoidable.

Anyway Claire and I have been arguing for the past 4 days. Over she wants a baby and I don't. She has just found out her sister is preg and she has it in her head that she wants a baby.

Claire watches shows like ONE BORN EVERY MINUTE and gets sucked into it all. Now she has found this out she keeps going on and on about it.

I know this sounds nasty but
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Posted 26th March 2014 at 02:06 PM by Bringer Of Funerals
Updated 3rd April 2014 at 05:05 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

An ex-con sets out to avenge his brother's death after they were double-crossed during a heist years ago. During his campaign, however, he's tracked by a veteran cop and an egocentric hit man.

Revenge isn't a dish best served cold, it's a dish best served up by The Rock. Faster is the latest from the musclebound wrestler-turned-Action star, and it's a fast, no-nonsense, hard-hitting Action flick that's almost all about payback, justice, big guns, fast cars, pumped muscles, and relentless...
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Posted 19th March 2014 at 01:58 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

As you all know I have an ex called Linda who I was with for 5 1/2 yrs and we split because we argued a lot. You also know they got married and had children.

Well out the blue on Facebook I got a message from her husband saying if I don't leave her alone him, her dad and brother are going to beat me up. Even though I haven't spoke to her since 2009.

I think he needs to grow up. Also today I saw her brother and I asked about the message and he said "him and his...
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Buying Reaction

Posted 31st October 2013 at 11:22 AM by Bringer Of Funerals
Updated 31st October 2013 at 11:59 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

As you all know we all buy DVD and Blu Ray's and on here it's a film buff's heaven as we all share the same love.

So I buy the films I like and my mam and step dad go mental by saying "you buy too many" and "you need to stop" and "you buy crap".

Everytime I buy them they over react and acting like I've just murdered the Queen then had a wank over her body and it really annoys me. So now I have given up showing them what I have bought....
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Posted 29th June 2013 at 12:02 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Last night Claire & I went out to the local pub as there was a band on. Crap band but still a band. We went into a smaller room where you could hear it but also talk.

A friend saw Claire and she asked him if he had seen Curly (I'll explain who he is later) and he said no. Later Claire's brother came in and she asked him the same question. To which he replied yes he's in there pointing to the main room.

Well she couldn't get in there fast enough. Curly is a man...
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Posted 10th June 2013 at 03:23 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I was walking home from my girlfriends house and when I got to a building called Cheshire homes I saw a spirit walk past the entrance. Every night I see the same spirit walking past the same entrance, it then vanishes in the same spot.

I know it seems out there but im curious and I've believed in ghosts since I can remember

So my question is why do ghosts do the same thing and vanish in the same spot?
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Ignorant Blood Letting

Posted 5th June 2013 at 05:52 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I was stood at the bus station at Middlesbrough waiting to come home then an argument broke out.

There was a 90 odd yr old man who was deaf stood behind me and all of a sudden an ignorant woman pushed the old man out the way without saying excuse me or anything.

The old man then fell and cracked his head hard on the wall, blood was pouring everywhere.

The woman didn't say sorry or anything, she just got on her bus and left everyone else to clean up after
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Salo: Breaking The Rules

Posted 27th May 2013 at 02:33 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

This piece originally appeared in the Criterion Collection’s 2008 DVD edition of Saló.

The year before he made Salò, or The 120 Days of Sodom, Pasolini hinted at the scandalous contours his last film would assume. In the course of a 1974 debate, he declared that now, as never before, “artists must create, critics defend, and democratic people support . . . works so extreme that they become unacceptable even to the broadest minds of the new State.” In large part, of course,...
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Warrior (Review)

Posted 25th May 2013 at 07:55 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

Last night I watched Warrior which is an MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) film about two brothers played by Tom Hardy & Joel Edgerton that don't get along.

Tommy (Joel) is an ex marine that is haunted by his past of almost drowning and dying which has made him go off the rails. Brendan on the other hand is an ex MMA fighter who is now a teacher and also has the perfect family but he has a problem, he has no money coming in and could lose his house.

That is until they both
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Obsessions with MOST HAUNTED

Posted 24th May 2013 at 06:11 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Not many people will know that I am a ghost believer and when I heard about this show I was in my element. What had happened was my friend had told me of this show where a medium and a crew of camera men would go into a haunted house / hotel or whatever it may be and spend the night.

So one night when it was going to be on my friend invited me round to watch an episode (I can't for the life of me remember which episode it was)...
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Letter Stealing

Posted 24th May 2013 at 09:09 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

Last month I got a letter printed in Play Magazine (a PS3 Mag) about an idea for trophies.

Well in this month's edition somebody has nicked my letter, rewrote it slightly different but still kept my idea.

Even Play has noticed and said "Stu Vernon wrote that last month are you sure you haven't took his letter and re arranged it.

So even the magazine has noticed hence my idea couldn't have been that bad if people are taking it. I should have TM it....
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How I Met Your Mother - Mother Finally Revealed

Posted 23rd May 2013 at 02:58 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

When "How I Met Your Mother" fans learned that Season 9 would take place entirely over the course of Barney and Robin's wedding weekend, it left many wondering about the final season of the show.

Would fans get to see the relationship between Ted and the Mother, or will he just meet her in the very last episode? How can a season of 20-plus episodes span a three-day weekend? Would any unanswered plot points from previous seasons be forgotten?

At least one...
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No Van Damme in Timecop Remake

Posted 23rd May 2013 at 02:47 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

It has been officially announced by Universal that there will be no Jean-Claude Van Damme in Timecop remake, the upcoming movie obviously inspired by the sci-fi flick released back in 1994.

Everyone knows that all the movies from the Belgian actor became some kind of a “cult”, so is it wise to plan a remake of Peter Hyams’ film without Jean? Maybe Universal needs to stop and think for a second to what happened to Sony and the near disastrous performance of Total Recall without
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Addicted To Films! My Journey

Posted 23rd May 2013 at 01:11 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Just now I have read Nosferatu's blog on how he became a film addict. Well that has made me want to write my blog on here about my journey.

Now I've never figured out where my film addiction comes from as my mam, dad or step dad don't watch many films and couldn't tell you who is who.

But my 1st foray into film and the addict came from one christmas when I was young. Mam was ironing and I sat watching TV - Father Christmas, Snowman etc when suddenly a little film starring...
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Bus Seat Sick

Posted 17th May 2013 at 11:16 AM by Bringer Of Funerals
Updated 17th May 2013 at 11:58 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

Yesterday when I was going to Redcar a little girl with her mother got on the bus and sat behind me. The girl was stood on the seat which I wouldn't allow, anyway the little girl smelt of sick and cough sweets.

The seats on the bus are arranged seat, devider, seat and I was sat on the 1 nearest the isle. Then all of a sudden the little girl spewed on the seat literally next to me nearest the window.

Luckily none splashed on me and I was getting off at the next stop...
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Drive By Egging

Posted 15th May 2013 at 07:02 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Last night I was walking home from my girlfriends minding my own business when sudden I got an egg thrown at me by a passing car. Without thinking I shouted for fuk sake then looked to the floor.

It didn't smash on it, it bounced off me and smashed on the floor. It hit with such impact Im surprised it didn't smash.

Turns out my girlfriend's bother got an egg thrown at him the night before but it smashed on his shoes.

They might throw an egg at the wrong...
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I'm Dreading It

Posted 13th May 2013 at 05:51 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

It is with great worry I am writing this so please bare with me. Tomorrow I am going to the Dr's to see if I have cancer. I am dreading it as along with aids it's not a word you want to know you have.

I thought I would tell you this because I need somewhere to spew out my worries.

I have found blood in my number 2 and it'd been there a few days.

Hopefully it might be nothing but I am dreading it - if it is I don't know what to tell you.

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Ray Harryhausen R.I.P

Posted 8th May 2013 at 09:34 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

I can see this going into a rant but when you have read what I have to say you probably will agree with me.

Yesterday we were all saddened by the news of Ray Harryhousen dying. Well upon that news I told my mother, step father and girlfriend, well mam and Paul looked at me blankly then said "who?", I explained to them who he was and I still got a who?"

Later I told my girlfriend and was met with the same "who?". Well with that I went off on
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Justin Bieber Says He's Bigger Then Michael Jackson

Posted 30th April 2013 at 10:15 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

There is something very wrong with Justin Bieber if he thinks he is bigger then Michael Jackson!! he needs a check up from the neck up! how dare he say that, there is no comparison. MJ was and still will be forever one of the worlds greatest entertainers! his music and messages will live on long after I'm dead even, JB is just a snotty nosed little untalented brat that will end up on a has-been's reality show in the future when something better comes along! MJ was hounded and murdered by the media...
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Yakuza 5 Released Please

Posted 29th April 2013 at 06:09 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I was reading about Yakuza 5 today in hope of some new news. Well there was news and it was bad news. The news was Sega are not releasing Yakuza 5 in the West (UK, USA) as Dead Souls didn't sell that well outside of Japan. I Know it's a small title compared to Call Of Duty but I really enjoyed the games as they were different from the normal games we have.

Hopefully Sega will see sense and release it in the West. There is also a lot of hate getting thrown around for Sega and with
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Leaving Youtube

Posted 2nd January 2013 at 11:16 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

Ive decided to leave Youtube after ive uploaded everything ive recorded. The reason why is because some wanker by the name of Evergreen Social Media has decided to flag a video I made 2 yrs ago about my age. Sorry but they don't own copyright to my age (unless im missing something). Anyway this has made me have 2 strikes against my account.

Im sick of it now so ive decided to bid farewell on YT and all I wanted to do was show my dvd/blu ray film collection I have but people have ruined...
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Twitter / Blocking

Posted 10th October 2012 at 11:35 AM by Bringer Of Funerals
Updated 10th October 2012 at 11:49 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

Sorry for offending everyone from the start but this blog is going to be a huge fu=king rant on Twitter and the blocking.

I have recently gone onto Twitter to see what all the fuss is about and I am now being followed by 32 people (its fuking gone down).

I hate it when people on Twitter follow you then just stop following you a minute later, look if your going to follow (or stalk me) then do it, just stop ****ing about with it, u either follow me or you dont its not...
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Sulking Friend

Posted 26th May 2011 at 11:09 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

I have a friend called Mathew, and whenever I get a new girlfriend he tries to cause shit by bringing up my ex's which annoys the hell out of me and when I had an now ex he would moan at me for texting her when I was shopping with him etc.

Anyway he has recently moved from Middlesbrough to way down south Plymouth and he hasn't seen me for over 2 yrs apparently. Well he talks like its just down the road - at one point he said we'll go to Linkin Park (a concert) in Manchester then after...
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Posted 6th February 2011 at 04:00 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Hello and welcome to another blog, in this blog I will be talking about the splatter film.

Many people like horror because they like the feeling of being scared, now I find that a good psychological film scares me - it's the feeling of dread and not knowing what is going to happen and when.

These are also known as ghost stories example being Ring, A Tale Of Two Sisters and The Eye. The feeling I get from them is like I said dread and that is to me a good horror....
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Spaghetti Westerns

Posted 4th February 2011 at 08:04 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

My 1st experience with the sub genre of the Spaghetti Western was when I bought the DOLLARS TRILOGY starring the great Clint Eastwood and I have to admit I never knew what a Spag Western was. Obviously I had heard of Westerns eg John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef and others and I just thought that was a posh name for a few.

Then I had read deeper into the Western genre and it turned out they were made on a low budget and made in Italy, Spain and Germany. It was an answer to...
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M. Night Shyamalan

Posted 1st February 2011 at 12:56 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

To me, Shyamalan's work is much closer to that of filmmakers like Lynch, Zulawski, Hartley and Weerasethakul; it's that strange mixture of the abstract and the conventional, with stylised performances and dialog that doesn't even attempt to sound realistic because everything in the film is designed in order to achieve a specific emotional response.

Unlike those filmmakers, Shyamalan releases art-films to a mainstream audience, but still fully embraces the same quirks, eccentricities...
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Posted 26th January 2011 at 10:40 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

Now as you all know I post up videos on there that are mostly reviews of DVD's I have, and every now and again i'll talk about different subjects (so I don't bore everyone).

I do get nasty comments on my vids that sometimes gets me down and they are mainly about my voice. I have had support from subscribers saying continue what you do etc.

So I have decided to try and upload 1 million videos about allsorts of stuff, I know it's going to take a while but I want to see...
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Relationships: A Night Out

Posted 25th January 2011 at 03:00 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I have been in a relationship to 2 yrs now and to a degree I am happy, I like the way she treats me, she's loving towards me and cares a lot to me as all relationships should be like.

Anyway I went down town on a night out with my friend and he ended up pulling (of all people) my ex's niece.

As he was dancing with her I had 3 lasses dancing round me, 1 gorgeous and 2 ok but I ended up pulling 1 of the ok ones.

My friend pissed off and I ended up going...
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Children Of The Living Dead Apology Letter

Posted 9th January 2011 at 04:00 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Actually, I am writing to you to offer my sincerest apology for the 90 minutes of your life wasted watching the movie CHILDREN OF THE LIVING DEAD. I read your review on the internet and would like to thank you for understating its worthlessness.

You see, I did in fact direct CHILDREN OF THE LIVING DEAD, and you know what? It really does suck!!!!

So you're a filmmaker? Quick, find another profession that causes less stress, like painting the tops of radio towers! But...
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See No Evil

Posted 6th January 2011 at 06:35 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I had first heard of this film through advertising via WWE, and I thought this film should be rather good, it had Kane a 7 ft man as a killer. Then I bought the film and enjoyed it.

Even though it was straight to dvd (a slasher film as well), I found the deaths rather inventive and the charactor's had some depth to them. There was obviously the key people - the slut, good girl, bad arse im hard bloke etc and the dialogue needed some work but I did enjoy it.

Plus Kane...
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Posted 2nd January 2011 at 10:54 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

Yesterday my girlfriend found out about my ex sending me messages, then we had a huge argument where words were like **** off, I don't wanna know you, dickhead and other politeness.

Well this morning I sent her a morning txt and I got a reply don't ****ing txt me.

So now I've left her alone and sent the following as a txt

If you don't reply back at some point today then obviously u want to split up with me and you will never hear from me again. If you...
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2011: A New Year In Horror

Posted 1st January 2011 at 10:51 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

Well now it's 2011 and hopefully there will be some decent horror films out this year.

We already know Arrow have an impressive line up of horror gems from the past already kicking off with DEEP RED.

Last year we were swamped by gay vampires in the TWILIGHT films and then on it seemed every book was vampire based.

Anyway I am looking forward to the DVD release of A SERBIAN FILM (even if it is cut) and ordering other films such as the EC Entertainment...
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Anal Horror Fans

Posted 31st December 2010 at 04:13 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Just skimming reviews of some of arrows new releases and looking at some of the reviews, does anyone else get a little embarressed by some of the anal comments regarding transfers? I've encountered these bores at film festivals who harp on about how your not a real fan unless you own the obscure overpriced german version which is MILES better quality.

Ok Arrows City of the living dead is the BEST version, for picture sound and extras, as is their release of Dawn Of The Dead. I wont...
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Problems (Pt 2)

Posted 28th December 2010 at 04:56 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Today out of the blue, I got a message on Facebook from my ex (referred to in Pt 1) asking how I am.

I replied and after a long conversation she admitted that she regrets marrying the lad she's with now, misses me and wishes she was back with me.

Apparently everytime she sees me in the streets she wishes she was back with me and she has repressed feelings about me.

So now I don't know how to deal with the problem that she has told me. She said she still...
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Original Concepts (Are There Any?)

Posted 10th December 2010 at 04:01 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

In cinema (Horror and other Genres), the directors of the films we see say "oh yes, go and see my film and you will be taken on a ride like no other because there are things in there that people have never seen before".

We go see the film and guarenteed there will be things we have seen from other films just put in a different way.

Take the film SAW, everyone has seen the film so they know what it's like, and everyone says its original.

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Vampire Rant

Posted 9th December 2010 at 03:23 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

As you all know there have been plenty of vampire films from the silent horror Nosferatu to the Hammer Horror films with Christopher Lee and even Let The Right One In, Salem's Lot and others.

To me a vampire should be scary as hell and make you turn white with terror and you should be scared to go to sleep at night.

What I don't like is the TWILIGHT crap, the vampires that are gay and watch as you sleep while a light show reflects off their forehead.

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Prism Horror

Posted 9th December 2010 at 12:52 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I am quite open minded when it comes to horror, unlike many teenagers who think a horror film needs to be in the cinema to be good otherwise it's crap.

I on the other hand look forward to films coming straight to dvd other then the cinema.

And on my search many years ago for horror -mainly Vipco Vaults Of Horror films at the time I came across a little known studio who released many genre films - Action, Thriller, Adventure, Horror among others.

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Posted 8th December 2010 at 04:34 PM by Bringer Of Funerals
Updated 8th December 2010 at 05:40 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Now I don't know about you lot but when I watch 60's - 80's horror films I like to see the grain/black flickers etc of dust on the film I am watching, it added a certain Grimy/Grindhouse feel to the film.

It adds to it like they have been sat in a vault for so long and they are happy to see the light of day.

A few examples is City Of The Living Dead, Zombie Flesh Eaters, and there are too many horror films to mention.

Thats why...
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Dario Argento

Posted 7th December 2010 at 04:06 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

You have all heard of the Italian director named Dario Argento.

He has made some well known films - Tenebrae, Susperia, Card Player, Inferno and others. Everyone says he is a master of the genre.

He even did the Italian cut of Dawn Of The Dead by George Romero so his filmography is something to behold.

Well shockingly (don't hang me) I haven't seen any of his films yet. I bought the Uncut Edition of Tenebrae for £4 in Grainger Games and I haven't had...
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The Romero Downfall

Posted 6th December 2010 at 05:34 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

As we all know George is well known for his zombie films. But I wonder how he feels about his other films not doing that well.

THE CRAZIES didn't do well and he even admitted it himself and it didn't make much money (until the remake probably).

MARTIN has done quite well and continues to do so now it's released on Arrow, it's one of them films that has you thinking apparently (I say apparently because i've never seen it).

TWO EVIL EYES probably did better...
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Nights Of A Zombie Massacre

Posted 11th October 2010 at 11:44 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

I am here to tell you about my journey with the Undead.

Now I had originally heard of this little horror film named NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and with me being a horror fan I just HAD to see it. It sounded like everything I wanted a horror film to be.

But with me being too young (about 10 yrs old) my mam would not let me see it (and to be honest I don't blame her). I had heard it was about the dead eating people and they were all pus ridden and...
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Posted 24th September 2010 at 05:05 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

In 2000 I started college and met a girl there called Linda, she was about two weeks younger then me and lived in a rough area.

I went out with her for 5 and a half yrs, but in 2001 a new lad started called Andrew and for some reason had his eye on her and she liked the thought of that.

He kept flirting with her and I just thought yeah ok. Thats when all the trouble started.

There was a rumour going round that I hit her (which I wouldn't dream of hitting...
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Posted 23rd September 2010 at 05:19 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I had never heard of this film but had seen the pictures of a bald headed man with pointed ears and long finger nails and was curious and I had began watching Killing Zoe and it was on that film as he was .... a woman.

I then asked my friend what it was called and he said Nosferatu and that it was silent which I didn't know about and I thought well its old so i'll never get to see it as there won't be a DVD out of it.

I then went to HMV and saw a copy of it at 60 mins...
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Arrow Video Releases

Posted 10th August 2010 at 04:48 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Hello and welcome to another blog.

I have just bought the ARROW release of CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD and I am stunned at the amount of content you get in the release.

The release makes the VIPCO edition I have completely void and just shit really. I think every horror release should come with the same content - posters etc.

Now I was just wondering if any other ARROW films are worth buying and any help would be greatful.

Thank you
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Exploitation Cinema Books

Posted 9th August 2010 at 03:40 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I for some reason have been reading books about films, but not just any fillms, no... I have been reading about Spaghetti Western films etc, but that's not what this blog is about.

I need help on finding a few books on Exploitation Horror Cinema because I have been curious about this type of cinema for ages.

As you all know I am a horror film fan and basically the gorier the better for me. I have a few Vipco films from the Grindhouse style cinema and a few of the brilliant...
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UK DVD Buyers Getting The Short End Of The Stick Rant

Posted 7th August 2010 at 08:48 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

As you all know we UK DVD buying public always seem to get shafted when it comes to our fave films etc.

When it comes to special features we don't get as many as the USA edition of the dvd. For example say you bought THE BURNING - Region 2 UK edition).

The special features on it are a few trailers and a making of doc. This is just an example.

Then you look on the US release, not only does it have a different sometimes better cover but you get a 3 disc...
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TV Series That Are Axed

Posted 6th August 2010 at 09:14 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

For some reason I have been watching a lot of TV series - things like The X Files, 24 etc and I really enjoy them as it is different from films.

But recently I have been watching the series of BLADE. I think it is a very good TV series and it has everything (or almost everything) that fans love about BLADE.

Then it just ended apruptly which annoyed me, but I thought oh there might be a 2nd Series. Then I read into it looking for a release date for the second series.
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Bronx Warriors Trilogy

Posted 5th August 2010 at 10:23 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

In the early 1980s Italian cinema was in full swing, producing `homages' and blatant rip-offs of anything that was popular in the Hollywood cinema of the time. So when both The Warriors, Mad Max and Escape From New York hit it big it wasn't long before Italy produced their own post-apocalyptic tale set in New York. In charge of bringing an Italian twist to the genre was producer Fabrizio De Angelis, who handed the directorial reigns to prolific director Enzo G. Castellari who had become known for...
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Psychological Horror

Posted 3rd August 2010 at 01:41 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I prefer these types of horror films because I believe the things you can't see is more scary and I believe it plays on your mind a lot more then the slashers of Halloween, Friday The 13th etc.

I think THE OTHERS is a really scary film in this sense and i've heard others say PARANORMAL ACTIVITY is another. So I think they are overall better horror films in general as a lot of thought has been put into them.

For me psychological horror is far more scary-after all what...
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City Of The Living Dead

Posted 1st August 2010 at 09:41 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

Now I have a lot of respect for this man and as you all know his name isn't that well known among the casual horror fan.

I first heard of him when I bought the film ZOMBIE FLESH EATERS and I loved he film, it was everything a zombie film should be but the one I was really curious about was City Of The Living Dead.

The name alone was shouting my name to buy the dvd. It was the cover too that had dented it's self into my mind (I have the VIPCO version). Hence I just had...
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The Human Centipede

Posted 22nd July 2010 at 03:37 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I have been hearing a lot about a new film called Human Centipede and how sick it is.

For the 1st time last night I saw a trailer about it. And this may make me sound like a puff but I don't care.

Here are my thoughts on the trailer. Normally I am fine with blood, gore etc. Saw, Hostel and others of the ilk.

But when I saw the trailer it knocked me sick and just the thought of it made my stomich churn.

Last night I was feeling sick and...
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Quentin Tarantino

Posted 13th July 2010 at 06:25 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Everybody seems to love him and I am a fan of his films and have them all on DVD.

His fans rant and rave about how original he is and to a degree I agree.

BUT!! can the man do a film with his own ideas. Kill Bill had the theme of Death Rides A Horse, and numerous other asian and Western parts from other films all mixed into one film.

Death Proof has took the idea of old Grindhouse films and mish mashed them.

And there are others I can't...
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Black And White Horror

Posted 8th July 2010 at 10:14 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

For some reason I have a great fondness for old horror from the 1930's going through to recent films.

But for the purpose of this I shall write about the black and white horror from the 30's etc.

My first black and white horror film I had ever watched was NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and many (as well as me) hail this as a horror classic but it dawned on me that there are plenty of other classics that aer not widely spoke about.

I have bought a box set with...
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When DVD Labels Put Thought Into Their Films

Posted 7th July 2010 at 10:38 AM by Bringer Of Funerals
Updated 7th July 2010 at 10:54 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

I was thinking about DVD labels recently for some reason.

Im sure other DVD collectors will agree with this but I like it when they put some thought into their releases. For example - When Shameless put out their BRONX WARRIORS tin box set.

They had put a lot of thought into the design of the tin etc, so it just shows that the people at Shemeless care about theit buying public.

Another that srings to mind is the excellent 5 disc edition of Blade Runner...
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The Zombie Dead

Posted 6th July 2010 at 04:39 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

At a friend's house I watched a film called Night Of Terror and it wasn't too bad but I had seen a lot better.

Well ages ago I bought a Vipco Vault's Of Horror Film called THE ZOMBIE DEAD and as I began watching it earlier I had realised I had already seen the film at my friend's

So basically is the film also called Night Of Terror? because many video nasty films go by different titles
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Cannibal Holocaust - Numerous Editions

Posted 6th July 2010 at 07:03 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

I have been very curious about this film because of two reasons - 1) it's a video nasty and I'm curious to see why they banned it and the number 2) is I want to see if it's as bad as they say it is.

I first saw this film in a rental shop called Global and it was by the label Vipco's Vaults Of Horror and what drew me to it was the font of the title, the tagline of: THE FILM THEY DID NOT WANT YOU TO SEE and a nice red X with the words PREVIOUSLY BANNED and finally the row of skulls...
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Birthday Horror (Shameless DVD's)

Posted 5th July 2010 at 01:05 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

On the 18th July It's my birthday and IF I get any birthday money i'll buy some Shameless DVDS with it.

Because I haven't written a blog in so long (and my fans are waiting for another blog lol) I thought I would tell you my interest in them and how I got into buying them.

I was in HMV a few years back looking at their aledged horror section when I saw these nice brightly coloured lurid yellow boxes. So I picked a dvd up and it was a film I had been waiting for. The...
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31st October = Halloween

Posted 13th June 2010 at 12:20 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Hello and welcome to my 17th Blog about my Halloween journey.

I had heard so many people talk about the film Halloween like it was some brilliant slasher and I (to be honest) wasn't that bothered about it as I had never seen the film before but knew the storyline.

I was old enough to watch it too so it wasn't that (like it was with THE EXORCIST), I just wasn't bothered.

The it came on TV channel 4 so I thought what the hell i'll tape it and watch it the...
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Cradle Of Fear

Posted 5th June 2010 at 06:27 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I am a huge fan of Cradle Of Filth and I even went to see them perform live at Newcastle.

When I had heard that Dani Filth was going to star in a horror film I just had to see it. Even though it was straight to dvd. I knew it was going to be low budget so I wasn't expecting much.

I thought Dani did an ok job and the special effects were low budget but effective.

I had also heard rumours that the BBFC was going to cut bits out so when I saw it uncut I...
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Zombie Flesh Eaters And Others In Italian Horror (Part 2)

Posted 31st May 2010 at 10:45 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

Welcome to part 2.

In part 1 I forgot to mention THE BEYOND, that is an all ime fave of mine, it held mystery, top gore and a strange ending. It was brilliant.

The genre to me is what horror should be - all out balls to the wall gore and a good story as well. I was always curious about New York Ripper so i bought the Shameless edition.

It was a brilliant film worthy of any horror fan's dvd collection.

I was always the type of child that...
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Zombie Flesh Eaters And Others In Italian Horror (Part 1)

Posted 31st May 2010 at 10:32 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

Lucio Fulci rightly deserves his status as the Godfather Of Gore.

Zombie Flesh Eaters was one of the greatest horror films in history and is still a firm fave among the hardcore horror fans, it boasted the first (and last) zombie vs shark fight and it was also the 1st Italian zombie film I had seen.

From there I was hooked on the more gritty and more violent aspects of horror,

City Of The Living Dead was good too and it is held in high regards by me...
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Extended Editions Of Horror DVDS Rant

Posted 30th May 2010 at 11:03 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

Hello, I don't get why they have extended editions or "the version that was never shown in the cinema".

People buy it thinking that it's going to be better or more violent or whatever but then when you finally watch it, it's the EXACTLY the same film you saw at the cinema.

At least put more into it if that's what the cover is promising. If it's extended put the deleted scenes back into the film and have a documentary as a special feature.

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Straight To DVD Horror

Posted 28th May 2010 at 11:13 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

I know I haven't written a blog in a long time so here is another

With new horror they always seem to go straight to dvd and because of that most people won't touch them.

I am different in that regard because there are some hidden gems in the straight to dvd horror market, ok you might have to shift through the shit but some are worth watching.

Most of my horror collection are straight to dvd films, it includes Survival Of The Dead, Some Things Never...
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Running Out Of The Cinema Screaming

Posted 14th May 2010 at 11:09 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

To be weirdly honest, I love it when this happens! It makes the cinema experience so much more fun and scary!

Most recently, it happened when my girlfriend and I were in a late-night screening of Friday The 13th

Before that, it happened in a screening of The Blair Witch Project: The bit where there's somebody outside, rustling the tent. A woman literally got up from her seat and ran out of the double doors (I think she was a bit drunk though). Man, that was funny!...
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Rant On Lionsgate

Posted 13th May 2010 at 10:35 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

The "Saw" series, it never ends, the original steals a lot from "The Abonimable Dr Phibes" a much better movie and the endless sequels lose the supposed wit the series is unjustly famous for, its other over-rated merit is the fairly restrained gore which another tame turd Lionsgate released is also unjustly famous for (Hostel), every damn year I have to put up with people getting all excited over nothing because there's a new "Saw" sequel as if its going to be good,...
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The Puzzle Of Hellraiser

Posted 2nd May 2010 at 10:36 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

The film series of Hellraiser has a lot of fans, people like the films because they are an alternative to the slasher, blood and gore to scare you horror.

Hellraiser 1 got released and was loved by horror fans because it had gore, violence, a villian that stayed in your mind and a deep storyline.

Pinhead became legendary.

Hellbound was then released and improved on what was in the 1st Hellraiser and in some cases was better than the original.
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Friday The 13th

Posted 27th April 2010 at 10:20 AM by Bringer Of Funerals

Hello and welcome to another blog.

My friend had bought me the VHS of Friday The 13th for Xmas because I was curious about it, the title alone made me want to see the film.

I had heard so much about it, so when my friend bought me it I put it on at Xmas Day Evening and was blown away by it.

Sure it was low budget and made in the early 80's but for me the 80s films are better than the films made now. Plus the 80s had many classic horror films come out....
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Why So Little H.P. Lovecraft?

Posted 24th April 2010 at 12:44 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

H.P. Lovecraft is one of my favorite authors, of any genre. Why is it that so few of his stories have made it to film? There was "The Dunwitch Horror" (1970), that did bear a slight resemblance to the original story, and I believe I saw a TV show or movie years ago that had a Lovecraftian Cthulhu-type creature coming up through the floor of an old house in response to a "incantation" (maybe a remake of "T.D.H.?")

I'd love to see a well-known director...
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Resident Evil Film Series

Posted 22nd April 2010 at 04:45 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

As you all know I am a huge zombie film fan, I have zombie films by plenty of Director's (George Romero, Lucio Fulci, Danny Boyle and others).

The game of Resident Evil was a brilliant horror game and made me jump more than once and I often wondered how a film of the game would fair against other zombie films.

Then there was news of Romero doing a Resident Evil film which (and many will agree) was met with excitement by many horror film fans.

Then as...
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Grindhouse Rant

Posted 19th April 2010 at 06:28 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Hello and welcome to my 5th blog about the Quentin Tarantino/Robert Rodriguez film Grindhouse.

I'll start off by saying i'm a huge Tarantino fan and i'll watch anything he has his name attached to.

With that out of the way you could imagine my excitement when I first saw the DEATH PROOF trailer, to me it looked original and a lot of fun.

I bought a cinema ticket on the first day of release and sat in anticipation through the trailers of other films...
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Has George Romero Lost It?

Posted 17th April 2010 at 02:38 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I am an absolutley huge Romero fan, I love his early films, the dead trilogy, the crazies, etc. And I waited over ten years for Romero to do another zombie movie, (since dawn of the dead).

I was so excited when Land of the Dead was announced, I could not wait to see it, but I was so disappointed. The characters were poor, the plot was thin and I just didn't like the idea that the zombies were becoming intellegent, or having a purpose, it ruined the idea of the pure instinctual driven...
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My Journey To See THE EXORCIST

Posted 15th April 2010 at 11:53 AM by Bringer Of Funerals
Updated 17th April 2010 at 04:08 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

I had bought a film magazine to read and it was a Horror Special for the month and with it I got the novel of Bram Stoker's Dracula.

Inside there was a top 50 horror film chart which had in it Dawn Of The Dead, Evil Dead, Ring, Blood From The Mummy's Tomb among others.

Also in this there was a huge feature about THE EXORCIST and the stir it caused among cinema goers (people running to the hills screaming, fainting, etc) with a pussed up girl and head spinnings among...
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Vipco's Vaults Of Horror

Posted 14th April 2010 at 04:14 PM by Bringer Of Funerals
Updated 14th April 2010 at 06:01 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Hello all and welcome to my second blog.

I had first heard of the Vipco label when I was at college. I had seen the covers in HMV and what drew my attention to them the line of Skulls at the top of the case.

Looking back the covers were quite boring and the red X with the PREVIOUSLY BANNED also got my attention.

My first Vipco I bought was NIGHTKILL and even though I was 18 I got asked for ID which I had shown.

I was at first disappointed...
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Horror Films

Posted 13th April 2010 at 06:01 PM by Bringer Of Funerals

Hello All

Now I first got into horror films by watching the George Romero zombie classic Dawn Of The Dead. That had everything I was looking for at the time, zombies, gore and a good soundtrack.

From there on I just fell in love with horror, my friend then let me watch the original TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE which at the time I didn't think was anything special. Now though it is viewed by me as a classic.

The video nasty era came to my attention when I was
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