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Poll: Who's your favourite Doctor?
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Old 30th July 2019, 04:11 PM
Susan Foreman's Avatar
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Peri looks a bit butch, and the less said about Sylvester...the better!
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People try to put us down
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Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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Old 30th July 2019, 04:13 PM
Demdike@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Susan Foreman View Post
Peri looks a bit butch, and the less said about Sylvester...the better!
What's up with Sylvester?
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Old 30th July 2019, 04:58 PM
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Dunno - he just looks wrong somehow
People try to put us down
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Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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Old 31st July 2019, 05:41 AM
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Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
Father's Day
Pete: Right, there we go. Sorry about the mess. If you want a cup of tea, the kitchens just down there, milk's in the fridge. Well, it would be, wouldn't it. Where else would you put the milk? Mind you, there's always the window sill outside. I always thought if someone invented a window sill with special compartments, you know, one for milk, one for yogurt, make a lot of money out of that. Sell it to students and things. I should write that down. Anyway, never mind that, excuse me for a minute. Got to go and change.
(Pete goes to the bedroom.)
Rose: All the stuff mum kept. His stuff. She kept it all packed away in boxes in the cupboard. She used to show me when she'd had a bit to drink. Here it is, on display. Where it should be. Third prize at the bowling. First two got to go to Didcot. Health drinks. Tonics, mum used to call them. He made his money selling this Vitex stuff. He had all sorts of jobs. He was so clever. Solar power. Mum said he was going to do this. Now he can. Okay, look I'll tell him you're not my boyfriend.
The Doctor: When we met, I said travel with me in space. You said no. Then I said time machine.
Rose: It wasn't some big plan. I just saw it happening and I thought, I can stop it.
The Doctor: I did it again. I picked another stupid ape. I should've known. It's not about showing you the universe. It never is. It's about the universe doing something for you.
Rose: So it's okay when you go to other times, and you save people's lives, but not when it's me saving my dad.
The Doctor: I know what I'm doing, you don't. Two sets of us being there made that a vulnerable point.
Rose: But he's alive!
The Doctor: My entire planet died. My whole family. Do you think it never occurred to me to go back and save them?
Rose: But it's not like I've changed history. Not much. I mean he's never going to be a world leader. He's not going to start World War Three or anything.
The Doctor: Rose, there's a man alive in the world who wasn't alive before. An ordinary man. That's the most important thing in creation. The whole world's different because he's alive.
Rose: What, would you rather him dead?
The Doctor: I'm not saying that.
Rose: No, I get it! For once, you're not the most important man in my life.
The Doctor: Let's see how you get on without me, then. Give me the key. The Tardis key. If I'm so insignificant, give it me back.
Rose: All right then, I will.
(Rose hands over the key.)
The Doctor: You've got what you wanted, so that's goodbye, then.
Rose: You don't scare me. I know how sad you are. You'll be back in a minute, or you'll hang around outside the Tardis waiting for me. And I'll make you wait a long time!
(The Doctor leaves and Rose slams the door behind him. Pete puts his head round the bedroom door.)
Pete: Boyfriend trouble?


(The Doctor is talking to baby Rose in her carrycot by the choir stalls.)
The Doctor: Now, Rose you're not going to bring about the end of the world, are you? Are you? (Rose walks up.) Jackie gave her to me to look after. How times change.
Rose: I'd better be careful. I think I just imprinted myself on Mickey like a mother chicken.
The Doctor: No. Don't touch the baby. You're both the same person. That's a paradox, and we don't want a paradox happening, not with these things outside. Anything new, any disturbance in time makes them stronger. The paradox might let them in.
Rose: Can't do anything right, can I?
The Doctor: Since you ask, no. So, don't touch the baby.
Rose: I'm not stupid.
The Doctor: You could have fooled me. All right, I'm sorry. I wasn't really going to leave you on your own.
Rose: I know.
The Doctor: But between you and me, I haven't got a plan. No idea. No way out.
Rose: You'll think of something.
The Doctor: The entire Earth's been sterilised. This, and other place like it, are all that's left of the human race. We might hold out for a while, but nothing can stop those creatures. They'll get through in the end. The walls aren't that old. And there's nothing I can do to stop them. There used to be laws stopping this kind of thing from happening. My people would have stopped this. But they're all gone. And now I'm going the same way.
Rose: If I'd realised.
The Doctor: Just tell me you're sorry.
Rose: I am. I'm sorry.
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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Old 31st July 2019, 09:57 AM
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Default Image of the Day # 116

Jon Pertwee and friends strike a pose to celebrate the return of the Daleks in Day of the Daleks (1971)

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Old 31st July 2019, 11:06 AM
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By gum that effigy of Tom reminds me of an Italian actor!! Or Gareth Hunt again
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"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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Old 1st August 2019, 05:51 AM
Susan Foreman's Avatar
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Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
The Empty Child
Child [OC]: Are you my mummy?


Jack: Better now?
Rose: You got lights in here?
(Jack turns on the lights. It's a small, cramped, spaceship with bundles of wires hanging from the ceiling.)
Jack: Hello.
Rose: Hello.
Jack: Hello.
Rose: Let's not start that again.
Jack: Okay.
Rose: So, who're you supposed to be, then?
Jack: Captain Jack Harkness, One Three Three Squadron, Royal Air Force. American volunteer.
(He hands her his ID card.)
Rose: Liar. This is psychic paper. It tells me whatever you want it to tell me.
Jack: How do you know?
Rose: Two things. One, I have a friend who uses this all the time.
Jack: Ah.
Rose: And two, you just handed me a piece of paper telling me you're single and you work out.
Jack: Tricky thing, psychic paper.
Rose: Yeah. Can't let your mind wander when you're handing it over.
(She gives it back.)
Jack: Oh, you sort of have a boyfriend called Mickey Smith but you consider yourself to be footloose and fancy free.
Rose: What?
Jack: Actually, the word you use is available.
Rose: No way.
Jack: And another one, very.
Rose: Shall we try and get along without the psychic paper?
Jack: That would be better, wouldn't it?
Rose: Nice spaceship.
Jack: Gets me around.
Rose: Very Spock.
Jack: Who?
Rose: Guessing you're not a local boy, then.
Jack: A cell phone, a liquid crystal watch, and fabrics that won't be around for at least another two decades. Guessing you're not a local girl.


(The Doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to open the padlock on the ornate metal gates to the hospital grounds. Inside the long, dark wards, every bed has a very still patient in it, and they are all wearing gasmasks. An elderly, grumpy doctor appears, leaning on a walking stick.)
Constantine: You'll find them everywhere. In every bed, in every ward. Hundreds of them.
The Doctor: Yes, I saw. Why are they still wearing gas masks?
Constantine: They're not. Who are you?
The Doctor: I'm, er. Are you the doctor?
Constantine: Doctor Constantine. And you are?
The Doctor: Nancy sent me.
Constantine: Nancy? That means you must've been asking about the bomb.
The Doctor: Yes.
Constantine: What do you know about it?
The Doctor: Nothing. Why I was asking. What do you know?
Constantine: Only what it's done.
The Doctor: These people, they were all caught up in the blast?
Constantine: None of them were.
(The doctor chuckles then coughs. He sits in a chair by the desk where the ward sister would usually be.)
The Doctor: You're very sick.
Constantine: Dying, I should think. I just haven't been able to find the time. Are you a doctor?
The Doctor: I have my moments.
Constantine: Have you examined any of them yet?
The Doctor: No.
Constantine: Don't touch the flesh.
The Doctor: Which one?
Constantine: Any one. (The Doctor points his sonic screwdriver at the nearest patient.) Conclusions?
The Doctor: Massive head trauma, mostly to the left side. Partial collapse of the chest cavity, mostly to the right. There's some scarring on the back of the hand and the gas mask seems to be fused to the flesh, but I can't see any burns.
Constantine: Examine another one.
The Doctor: This isn't possible.
Constantine: Examine another.
The Doctor: This isn't possible.
Constantine: No.
The Doctor: They've all got the same injuries.
Constantine: Yes.
The Doctor: Exactly the same.
Constantine: Yes.
The Doctor: Identical, all of them, right down to the scar on the back of the hand. (Doctor Constantine also has that scar.) How did this happen? How did it start?
Constantine: When that bomb dropped, there was just one victim.
The Doctor: Dead?
Constantine: At first. His injuries were truly dreadful. By the following morning, every doctor and nurse who had treated him, who had touched him, had those exact same injuries. By the morning after that, every patient in the same ward, the exact same injuries. Within a week, the entire hospital. Physical injuries as plague. Can you explain that? What would you say was the cause of death?
The Doctor: The head trauma.
Constantine: No.
The Doctor: Asphyxiation.
Constantine: No.
The Doctor: The collapse of the chest cavity
Constantine: No.
The Doctor: All right. What was the cause of death?
Constantine: There wasn't one. They're not dead. (He hits a waste basket with his stick and the noise makes the patients sit up in their beds.) It's all right. They're harmless. They just sort of sit there. No heartbeat, no life signs of any kind. They just don't die.
The Doctor: And they've just been left here? Nobody's doing anything?
(The patients lie down again.)
Constantine: I try and make them comfortable. What else is there?
The Doctor: Just you? You're the only one here?
Constantine: Before this war began, I was a father and a grandfather. Now I am neither. But I'm still a doctor.
The Doctor: Yeah. I know the feeling.
Constantine: I suspect the plan is to blow up the hospital and blame it on a German bomb.
The Doctor: Probably too late.
Constantine: No. There are isolated cases. Isolated cases breaking out all over London. Stay back, stay back. Listen to me. Top floor. Room eight oh two. That's where they took the first victim, the one from the crash site. And you must find Nancy again.
The Doctor: Nancy?
Constantine: It was her brother. She knows more than she's saying. She won't tell me, but she might Mummy. Are you my mummy?
(Starting with the mouth, Doctor Contantine's face turns into a gasmask.)
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People try to put us down
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Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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Old 1st August 2019, 09:23 AM
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Default Image of the Day # 117

Andrew Skilleter's artwork for the Target novel of Frontios (1984)

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Old 1st August 2019, 09:53 AM
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Hmmm. My murican New Beginnings set seems to be playing up. Castrovalva played ok, but both Keeper and Logopolis wouldn't play last episode. UK set it is then!

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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Old 2nd August 2019, 06:04 AM
Susan Foreman's Avatar
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Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
The Doctor Dances
Rose: Why are they all wearing gas masks?
Jack: They're not. Those masks are flesh and bone.
The Doctor: How was your con supposed to work?
Jack: Simple enough, really. Find some harmless piece of space junk, let the nearest Time Agent track it back to Earth, convince him it's valuable, name a price. When he's put fifty percent up front, oops! A German bomb falls on it, destroys it forever. He never gets to see what he's paid for, never knows he's been had. I buy him a drink with his own money, and we discuss dumb luck. The perfect self-cleaning con.
The Doctor: Yeah. Perfect.
Jack: The London Blitz is great for self-cleaners. Pompeii's nice if you want to make a vacation of it though, but you've got to set your alarm for volcano day. Getting a hint of disapproval.
The Doctor: Take a look around the room. This is what your harmless piece of space-junk did.
Jack: It was a burnt-out medical transporter. It was empty.
The Doctor: Rose.
Rose: Are we getting out of here?
The Doctor: We're going upstairs.
Jack: I even programmed the flight computer so it wouldn't land on anything living. I harmed no-one. I don't know what's happening here, but believe me, I had nothing to do with it.
The Doctor: I'll tell you what's happening. You forgot to set your alarm clock. It's volcano day.
(A siren sounds.)
Rose: What's that?
Jack: The all clear.
The Doctor: I wish.


(Moonlight Serenade comes through the radio.)
Rose: Our song. (Meanwhile, Nancy has made it to Limehouse Green and is cutting the barbed wire. A little later, Rose is relaxing in a wheelchair while the Doctor is at the barred window with the ever-versatile sonic screwdriver.) What you doing?
The Doctor: Trying to set up a resonation pattern in the concrete, loosen the bars.
Rose: You don't think he's coming back, do you?
The Doctor: Wouldn't bet my life.
Rose: Why don't you trust him?
The Doctor: Why do you?
Rose: He saved my life. Bloke-wise, that's up there with flossing. I trust him because he's like you. Except with dating and dancing. What?
The Doctor: You just assume I'm
Rose: What?
The Doctor: You just assume that I don't dance.
Rose: What, are you telling me you do dance?
The Doctor: Nine hundred years old, me. I've been around a bit. I think you can assume at some point I've danced.
Rose: You?
The Doctor: Problem?
Rose: Doesn't the universe implode or something if you dance?
The Doctor: Well, I've got the moves but I wouldn't want to boast.
(Rose turns up the volume on the radio. It is still Moonlight Serenade.)
Rose: You've got the moves? Show me your moves.
The Doctor: Rose, I'm trying to resonate concrete.
Rose: Jack'll be back. He'll get us out. So come on. The world doesn't end because the Doctor dances.
(Rose holds out her hands, and the Doctor looks at her palms.)
The Doctor: Barrage balloon?
Rose: What?
The Doctor: You were hanging from a barrage balloon.
Rose: Oh, yeah. About two minutes after you left me. Thousands of feet above London, middle of a German air-raid, Union Jack all over my chest.
The Doctor: I've travelled with a lot of people, but you're setting new records for jeopardy friendly.
Rose: Is this you dancing? Because I've got notes.
The Doctor: Hanging from a rope thousands feet above London. Not a cut, not a bruise.
Rose: Yeah, I know. Captain Jack fixed me up.
The Doctor: Oh, we're calling him Captain Jack now, are we?
Rose: Well, his name's Jack and he's a Captain.
The Doctor: He's not really a Captain, Rose.
Rose: Do you know what I think? I think you're experiencing Captain envy. You'll find your feet at the end of your legs. You may care to move them.
The Doctor: If ever he was a Captain, he's been defrocked.
Rose: Yeah? Shame I missed that.


The Doctor: Everybody lives, Rose. Just this once, everybody lives! (The patients stand up again, back to normal.) Doctor Constantine. Who never left his patients. Back on your feet, constant doctor. The world doesn't want to get by without you just yet, and I don't blame it one bit. These are your patients. All better now.
Constantine: Yes, yes, so it seems. They also seem to be standing around in a disused railway station. Is there any particular reason for that?
The Doctor: Yeah, well, you know, cutbacks. Listen, whatever was wrong with them in the past, you're probably going to find that they're cured. Just tell them what a great doctor you are. Don't make a big thing of it. Okay?
(The Doctor leaves them and an old woman hobbles up.)
Harcourt: Doctor Constantine.
Constantine: Mrs Harcourt. How much better you're looking.
Harcourt: My leg's grown back. When I come to the hospital, I had one leg.
Constantine: Well, there is a war on. Is it possible you miscounted?
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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