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Poll: Who's your favourite Doctor?
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Old 20th July 2019, 11:44 AM
Demdike@Cult Labs's Avatar
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There are rumours (Specifically from the Daily Star) that Chibnall is bringing back the Master.

Not Missy, the Master.
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Old 21st July 2019, 06:11 AM
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Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
The Curse Of Fenric – Part 1
(Notice - Persons entering this room are notified that Marine Sentries have Orders to examine all passes. A H Millington. The Doctor and Ace open the door and peer in to see a group of WRNS with headphones and typewriters.)
Ace: I didn't know they had personal stereos in 1943.
The Doctor: They're listening to coded German radio messages.
Ace: Oh.
Kathleen: Are you looking for someone?
The Doctor: Ah, er, we're just being nosy.
Kathleen: Well, we're the girls, and I'm Kathleen.
(The Doctor and Ace enter.)
The Doctor: Kathleen.
Kathleen: Hello.
The Doctor: Hello.
Ace: Oh, look, Professor. A baby. (Ace slides a cot out from under Kathleen's desk.) Is it yours?
Kathleen: Yes, and she's a she.
Ace: She's lovely. Can I pick her up?
The Doctor: You've got to excuse her. She's from Perivale.
Kathleen: That's all right. Of course you can.
Ace: Thanks.
Kathleen: Where's Perivale?
Ace: You don't want to know. Oh, now what do I do?
Kathleen: Just put your arm underneath her like that.
Ace: Yeah.
Kathleen: Get her head, and you're fine. You're fine. There we are.
Ace: Oh, Professor, isn't she beautiful? Oh, look at her little finger nails. They're so perfect, and so tiny.
The Doctor: Yes. Every one a heart breaker.
Ace: What's she called?
Kathleen: Audrey. (Ace stiffens.) What's the matter? Don't you like it?
Ace: I hate it. That's my mum's name
The Curse Of Fenric – Part 2
(There is a large number of bombs neatly stacked against the wall, and men in long lab coats working in the background. Millington goes to a containment chamber.)
Millington: A demonstration, Doctor. (One man takes a cage of doves into the chamber while Millington uses the thick rubber gloves sealed to the front glass to pick up a vial of green liquid.) This small capsule contains just a few drops of diluted toxin.
The Doctor: No, don't!
(Millington breaks the vial and gas begins to fill the chamber.)
Millington: Just think what a bomb full could do to a city like Dresden or Moscow.
The Doctor: It's inhuman.
Millington: It could mean the end of the war.
The Doctor: And Whitehall thinks that Moscow is careless enough to let you detonate one of those things inside the Kremlin?
Millington: Oh, that's the beauty of it, Doctor. We won't detonate it. They'll do it themselves. They'll use the machine to decrypt our ciphers, but Doctor Judson has programmed it to self-destruct when it tries to decrypt a particular word. And, once the political climate is appropriate, we will include the word in one of our ciphers.
The Doctor: And the word is?
Millington: What else could it be, Doctor? Love.
The Curse Of Fenric – Part 3
Ace: You know what's going on, don't you?
The Doctor: Yes.
Ace: You always know. You just can't be bothered to tell anyone. It's like it's some kind of game, and only you know the rules. You knew all about that inscription being a computer programme, but you didn't tell me. You know all about that old bottle, and you're not telling me. Am I so stupid?
The Doctor: No, that's not it.
Ace: Why then? I want to know.
The Doctor: Evil. Evil since the dawn of time.
Ace: What do you mean?
The Doctor: Will you stop asking me these questions?
Ace: Tell me!
The Doctor: The dawn of time. The beginning of all beginnings. Two forces only, good and evil. Then chaos. Time is born, matter, space. The universe cries out like a newborn. The forces shatter as the universe explodes outwards. Only echoes remain, and yet somehow, somehow the evil force survives. An intelligence. Pure evil!
Ace: That's Fenric?
The Doctor: No, that's just Millington's name for it. Evil has no name. Trapped inside a flask like a genie in a bottle.
Ace: Can we stop it?
The Doctor: We need to get that flask.
Ace: We can release Captain Sorin to help us. I can distract the guard.
The Doctor: How?
Ace: Professor, I'm not a little girl.
The Curse Of Fenric – Part 4
(Sorin is studying the problem when Ace enters.)
Ace: Fenric would never have guessed the solution, anyway.
Sorin: Tell me, tovarich.
Ace: A brilliant move. The black and white pawns don't fight each other, they join forces.
(Sorin turns and reveals his glowing green eyes.)
Sorin: Thank you, child.
(The Doctor enters.)
The Doctor: Ace!
Sorin: Black wins, Time Lord.
(He knocks over the white king and laughs. Lightning blasts through the roof and sets the board alight.)
Ace: What's happened?
Sorin: The Wolves of Fenric, descendants of the Viking who first buried the flask, all pawns in my game. Doctor Judson, Commander Millington, the Ancient One, Captain Sorin, and now you.
(The Ancient One is behind Ace.)
Ace: Me? You can't! How?
Sorin: The baby. In thirty years, the baby will be grown. She will have a daughter. That daughter will be you. You've just created your own future. (Sorin holds Audrey's photograph in front of Ace.) The baby is your mother. The mother you hate. Kill them, slowly.
Ace: You don't stand a chance. Tell him, Doctor. He's got it wrong.
Sorin: The Time Lord has failed. The Wolves of Fenric have released me.
Ace: The Doctor never fails. I've got faith in him. Complete faith.
Sorin: Kill them.
The Doctor: It can't penetrate Ace's psychic force.
Sorin: Time for the one final game, then. (Sorin picks up a poison vial and holds it near Ace's head.) The choice is yours, Time Lord. I shall kill you anyway, but if you would like the girl to live, kneel before me.
Ace: I believe in you, Professor.
Sorin: Kneel, if you want the girl to live!
The Doctor: Kill her.
Sorin: The Time Lord finally understands.
The Doctor: Do you think I didn't know? The chess set in Lady Peinforte's study? I knew.
Sorin: Earlier than that, Time Lord. Before Cybermen, ever since Ice World, where you first met the girl.
The Doctor: I knew. I knew she carried the evil inside her. Do you think I'd have chosen a social misfit if I hadn't known? She couldn't even pass her chemistry exams at school, and yet she manages to create a time storm in her bedroom. I saw your hand in it from the very beginning.
Ace: Doctor, no.
The Doctor: She's an emotional cripple. I wouldn't waste my time on her, unless I had to use her somehow.
Ace: No!
(Ace falls to her knees.)
Sorin: Kill them. (The haemovore picks the payload of one of the bombs and walks towards Sorin, who backs away.) Kill them, do you hear me? (It backs Sorin into the containment chamber.) No! No. I command you! (The haemovore follows Sorin in and shuts the door behind them.) No! No! No! No.
(The Ancient One drops the payload, breaking the vials and filling the chamber with the deadly gas. They both die.)
The Doctor: Come on. It's over.
Ace: Leave me alone!
The Doctor: We've got to get out of here!
(The Doctor pulls Ace to her feet and pushes her outside.)
Ace: Leave me alone!
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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Old 21st July 2019, 10:44 AM
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Watching The Invisible Enemy

Glam rock aliens try the old domination bit, but The Doctor and Leela sort them out sharpish, picking up a new companion on the way in the shape of man's best friend . Sheard makes his 4th appearance in DW here, along with Frederick Jaeger (another semi regular supporting actor). A silly reveal the only major fault with this one
trebor8273 and nosferatu42 like this.

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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Old 21st July 2019, 01:26 PM
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Default Image of the Day # 106

A publicity still for Logopolis (1981) with Anthony Ainley as the Master and Sarah Sutton as Nyssa.

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Old 22nd July 2019, 06:31 AM
Susan Foreman's Avatar
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Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
Survival – Part 1
Harvey: It's the law of the jungle now, mate, innit?
Len: Hmm. There are these two blokes, right? In a tent, in the jungle.
Harvey: You got another one for me, ain't you? Go on, then, go on.
Len: It's really dark, and they hear this terrible noise outside the tent. This terrible roaring noise. And one bloke turns to the other bloke and he says, do you hear that?
Harvey: What?
Len: I said, did you hear that?
Harvey: Oh, right, yeah.
Len: That was a lion. (The Doctor starts to pay attention to the anecdote.) And the other bloke, he doesn't say anything. He just starts putting on his running shoes. And the other bloke turns to him and says, what are you doing? You can't outrun a lion. The bloke turns to him and says, I don't have to outrun the lion.
Harvey: (feeble laugh) Don't get it.
Doctor: He doesn't have to outrun the lion, only his friend. Then the lion catches up with his friend and eats him. The strong survive, the weak are killed. The law of the jungle.
Harvey: Oh yeah. Very clever.
Doctor: Yes, very clever, if you don't mind losing your friend. But what happens when the next lion turns up?
(The cat is watching the Doctor.)
Len: What next lion?
(The black cat burst out from behind the shelf of cat food and runs out of the shop.)
Doctor: I think you'd better get your running shoes on, gentlemen.
Survival – Part 2
Paterson: Got to stick together, lads. That's the way. Stealth, that's what's needed here. Stealth and surprise. You follow me and I'll get us through this. I'm a hunting animal. I've got instinct for it.
Doctor: Oh, do shut up. This planet's disintegrating. According to my calculations, the safest place at the moment is over there.
(A volcano range beyond the Cheetah people.)
Derek: Yeah, but what about them?
Doctor: We have to make our way through.
Paterson: This disintegration, you think we're going to blow up?
Doctor: Well, it is an old planet, a bit frayed at the edges. We'll be safe over there. Safe from the Cheetahs, and the Master.
Ace: Master? Who's he?
Doctor: An evil genius. One of my oldest and deadliest of enemies.
Ace: Do you know any nice people? You know, ordinary people, not power-crazed nutters trying to take over the galaxy?
Doctor: I don't think he's trying to take over the galaxy this time.
Ace: So what's all this in aid of?
Doctor: He's got some mind-link. The cats, the kitlings.
Ace: And they find things for the Cheetah People to eat.
Doctor: Yeah.
Survival – Part 3
Doctor: Mine, I believe. (He takes back his hat and umbrella.) Thank you.
Ace: Where have they gone?
Doctor: They've been taken back to the wilderness. The place is different but the hunt goes on. You know all about the hunt, don't you, Ace?
Ace: I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet and just run forever.
Doctor: The planet's gone, but lives on inside you. It always will.
Ace: Good. And the Master?
Doctor: Who knows? Where to now, Ace?
Ace: Home.
Doctor: Home?
Ace: The Tardis.
Doctor: Yes, the Tardis.

The Doctor [OC]: There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep, and the rivers dream. People made of smoke, and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do!
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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Old 22nd July 2019, 11:37 AM
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Default Image of the Day # 107

Andrew Skilleter's artwork for the very first novel in the Virgin range of New Adventures - Timewyrm: Genesys, by John Peel. (1991)

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Old 22nd July 2019, 07:00 PM
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Perused once more the Behind The Sofa featurette regarding Robert Holmes tenure on the show. I think Carnival will be next

"... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B]
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Old 23rd July 2019, 06:34 AM
Susan Foreman's Avatar
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Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes

Spin-Offs, Charity Episodes, One Night Stand Returns

K-9 And Company: A Girl's Best Friend
Lilly: Absent-minded, was she, your aunty?
Sarah-Jane: I don't think so. Well, not really.
Lilly: A lot of clever people are, I've found. Say they're going to do a think and then forget about it completely. Too much going on in here. (She touches her forehead.) You're clever too, I hear. Work for a newspaper.
Sarah-Jane: I did.
Lilly: Your aunty would write to the Standard, letters and that.
Sarah-Jane: Yes?
Lilly: Upset some people.
Sarah-Jane: Did she? Why?
Lilly: Wrote about witchcraft.
Sarah-Jane: Witchcraft?
Lilly: They're a bit sensitive about that round here. It's traditional, you see. A lot of people hereabouts still believe that the black art makes the crops grow.
Sarah-Jane: The black art?
Lilly: Well, that's what your aunty called it. Upset a lot of people.
Sarah-Jane: Are you saying it's still going on?
Lilly: What?
Sarah-Jane: The black art.
Lilly: Oh, no. All that stopped years and years ago. But that doesn't stop people believing in it. Country people. Do you want more tea?
Sarah-Jane: No, thank you, Mrs Gregson.

Dimensions In Time – Part 1
Doctor 4: Mayday, mayday. This is an urgent message for all the Doctors. It's vitally important that you listen to me for once. Our whole existence is being threatened by a renegade Time Lord known only as the Rani. She hates me. She even hates children. Two of my earlier selves have already been snared in her vicious trap. The grumpy one and the flautist too. She wants to put us out of action. Lock us away in a dreary backwater of London' East End. Trapped in a time-loop in perpetuity and her evil is all around us. I can hear the heart beat of a killer. She's out there somewhere. We must be on our guard and we must stop her before she destroys all of our other selves. Oh (in pain) ... Good luck, my dears.
Dimensions In Time – Part 2
The Rani: You can't escape, Doctor. Say "goodbye", Doctors. You're all going on a long journey. A very long journey.
Doctor 5: The Rani. I take back what I said about an ingenious operator being behind these time jumps.
Peri: What's going on, Doctor?
The Rani: Who else could master such a difficult operation. (She gestures for the aliens to enter the Queen Vic.) Back to my TARDIS!
(Doctor 5 puts his hands to his temples and concentrates.)
Nyssa: What are you doing?
The Rani: Why bother trying to summon up you remaining selves? I've weakened you.
(She turns to leave. With a flash, the Doctor reverts to his THIRD self accompanied by Liz SHAW. The The Rani raises her gun.)
Doctor 3: I've got a few tricks up my sleeve yet, madam. It's time for you to start losing.
The Rani: You, Earth female, come here.
(Liz moves forwards).
Doctor 3: No Liz, you mustn't.
Liz: Leave this to me. I'll take my chances.
(Liz runs towards the Rani and they struggle with the gun. The THIRD Doctor appears to be concentrating on some mental feat. Mandy Slater joins the fray and pulls Liz away from the Rani.)
Mandy: What are you doing? Leave her alone.
(The Rani turns her gun towards Mandy and the Eastender runs away. Mike Yates enters, driving BESSIE.)
Yates: Doctor, come on. Quickly!
(The Doctor climbs into Bessie. Mike shoots the Rani's weapon from her hands. She rushes into the Queen Vic pub.)
Doctor 3: Mike, thank you very much. Get me to the TARDIS as quick as possible.
The Curse Of Fatal Death
Emma: Doctor, will you stop showing off. You've got something to tell the Master. Just tell him.
Doctor: Very well. I recently calculated that I have saved every planet in the known universe a minimum number of twenty seven times. But you know, I have grown weary of all the evil in the cosmos. All the cruelty, all the suffering, all those endless gravel quarries. And so I have decided to retire, settle down and get married.
The Master: What?
Doctor: Yes. Without even knowing I was looking, I have found a woman to love. A woman more fascinating than all my travels through time and space. A girl more exciting than an escape up a ventilation shaft. A lover more thrilling than an army of cybernetic slugs.
(The Doctor and Emma kiss.)
The Master: Sadly, Doctor, I am unable to wish you a long and happy marriage, because the moment I am done with this nauseating conversation

The Master: He was the best and bravest of all my foes. From this day forward I will renounce evil and follow the path of goodness to honour my fallen foe.
Dalek: The Doctor saved the Daleks. The Daleks too will honour their mortal enemy.
Emma: He was never cruel and never cowardly, and it'll never be safe to be scared again.
(The Master leads Emma away. Behind them, the Doctor regenerates.)
The Master: It's impossible! Beyond all known laws of the universe.
Emma: Maybe even the universe can't bear to be without the Doctor.
Doctor Who: The Movie
Grace: You have two hearts. Who are you?
Doctor: I was dead too long this time. The anaesthetic almost destroyed the regenerative process.
Grace: Yeah, right. I'm going to get a syringe. I'm going to take some blood. I want to know what's going on here.
Doctor: No, no, no, no, Grace, Grace, Grace, Grace. Don't you see? I have thirteen lives.
Grace: Please! Okay, you're trying to tell me that you've come back from the dead.
Doctor: Yes.
Grace: No, sorry. The dead stay dead. You can't turn back time.
Doctor: Yes, you can.
(A clock strikes the part hour.)
Grace: I'm not a child. Don't talk to me like I'm a child. Only children believe that crap. I am a doctor.
Doctor: But it was a childish dream that made you a doctor. You dreamt you could hold back death. Isn't that true? Don't be sad, Grace. You'll do great things.
…............................................... ....
Grace: Maybe you're the result of some weird genetic experiment.
Doctor: I don't think so.
Grace: Well, you have no recollection of family.
Doctor: No. No, no, no, no. Wait, wait. I remember I'm with my father, lying back in the grass. It's a warm Gallifreyan night.
Grace: Gallifreyan?
Doctor: Gallifrey! Yes, this must be where I live. Now, where is that?
Grace: I've never heard of it. What do you remember?
Doctor: A meteor storm. The sky above us was dancing with lights. Purple, green and brilliant yellow! Yes!
Grace: What?
Doctor: These shoes! They fit perfectly. Yes.
…............................................... .....

[The Doctor steals an obnoxious policeman's gun and points it at his own chest]
The Doctor: Now would you stand aside before I shoot myself?
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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Old 23rd July 2019, 01:53 PM
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Default Image of the Day # 108

Helen McCrory and Alex Price are the Vampires of Venice (2010)

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Old 23rd July 2019, 03:18 PM
Susan Foreman's Avatar
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Behind the scenes of 'The Web Planet'

People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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